Two! ( /^ _ ^/ )

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JungKook's POV

After putting on clothes,I went down before getting beat up by mum.

"Ah,there's my son!" She chirped. Ugh,why does she look so happy?

I hate events. Especially meeting your so called 'future wife'. Future marriage should be illegal! Love should be free! This isn't right!

I saw a pair of eyes couldn't take off me. I turned to see who it is. And- wait. Ivory?

"Ahh,here's Ivory Kim." Mum cooed. "N-nice to meet you!" She try not to stutter but regardlessly did. I shook hands with her. Really?! Ivory?!

She's a friend from high school, she did have friends but she's the kind of loves to lay low. I never had a crush on her.

Everyone avoided her except for her true friends. They said that Ivory is kind of scary since she looks very soulless.

Me? I never did talk to her. Even once,oh maybe just by saying,

'Can I borrow your pencil? Forgot mine'

I had to that time,she was the only one who sits near me.

From what I had seen,she's not that bad. Not the kind who's alone;she has friends neither the kind of who's a drama queen.

"Nice to meet you too" I try sound a bit happy but shock builds up all over me.

"Come on! I made some lunch for you guys!" Mum chirped and escort the guests to the dining room.

Me and Ivory were too scared to make aaany eye contacts and it's hard. Trust me,it is so.

Ivory's POV

JungKook what the-? Ugh why him?! Okay I don't hate him but he's one of the cocky arrogant jerk in school.

I'm still wondering why many girls would fall for him.

I do understand how he could be amazingly hot but he's attitude couldn't make himself better.

Lunch was not great. Trying to avoid eye contacts is harder than it seemes. It felt like my eyes wanted to wander over his.

"Oh! JungKook sweety why don't you show Ivory at your place? You don't have any schedules right?" His mum ask locking her fingers together.

"Y-yea... I guess so.."

"Wonderful! Take your car and drive carefully okay?" Her voice is politely sweet. I could never imagine how mad would she be.

Without any complains,I followed him like a lost puppy.

"Get in." Cold. Very cold. Ugh.

I did as he said since I don't wanna start any arguments nor madness.

We arrived at some kind of rent house after 10 minutes of awkward driving sense.

He did wanted to show me around but he received a call from god knows who and I had to check it out by myself.

The place is quite peaceful and nice. The bedroom has a nice view also. Wait- why is there only one bedroom? And one bed?!

No no no no no! Ivory! Clear your mind! He might be sleeping at the living room or something! I thought.

"Done yet? I have somewhere to go." He said sounding a bit mad. Did I do anything wrong?

"How's the house? Sorry if it's too small,it's the cheapest among all." Said his mum. "Oh no no no! It's big enough for us!" I replied back,grinning.


Too small update so keep reading bunnies!

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