Seventeen! (/ ^_^ /)

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Cassey's POV

"Babe, are you seriously okay? You looked so distressed." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Look, Cass. I've been thinking. I- I don't-" he stuttered. "Is this something has to do with Ivory?" I boldly asked, "Yeah."

"I'm sorry Cassey but I need some time. What you did to me still left me in pain. I'm truly sorry, Cass."

"But babe, I thought you forgived me, I thought you love me."

"I d- don't know. I have to go." He sighed and walked away.

I was mad crazy about this. This is all her fault ain't it? I almost got him.

I'll end her.

Ivory's POV

"It has been a great day, Jun Soo. I had fun." I chuckled as he walked me out of the car, cold air hitting my face. "It was. So, I'll see you whenever I feel like a 9.4/10 red velvet cake." He winked. "Alright, alright." I chuckled and make my way to the doorstep.

"What the hell?" I nearly shouted, as I can see someone in black jacket, hoodie entirely covered his head, in a tired position, sitting beside my doorstep.

It was midnight and there were no lights. I click open the door lights and the body shook up in response.

JungKook's POV

Walking back home after the "dinner" with Cassey. I'm glad with what I did. I've finally let it out.

It was magical for me but thinking on how Ivory was on a date with another guy messed up my life. Worse.

She seemed so happy and looks like she doesn't need me anymore.

'I cannot let this happen.' I thought and create a plan.

I sat down beside her doorstep, as I know she would still be with the oh-so-handsome guy. And later did I know, I fell asleep.


My eyes flickered open as I saw source of light on my face. 'She's here!' I thought and look up.

"JungKook, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Iv- Ivory...." My dry lips were very noticeable hence the dry and cold night.

She squat down, placing a hand on my forehead, "JungKook, your body is so cold!" She said and put on her cute worried face.

"Ivory, I need to say something, please." My rasped voice came out of my dry lips. "Zip it, JungKook. You could get cold here. Come on, stand up." I like how she still care about me. I really don't deserve her....

She lay me down on her couch as I could smell her perfume whooshes through. "Be right back, I'll get a blanket and some hot towel." She said while pulling her hair up in a messy bun.

She came back, a minute after. She then soaked the towel into the hot water, took it out, squeezing the access water and lay em onto my forehead.

She lightly dab the other towel, soaked. I grab her hands, wanting to talk about the problem. "Ivory, please. I need to talk to you." She could barely here me but she understands.

"JungKook, we've talked over this. I-"

"I know, I know. But I still love you. I broke up with Cassey. And it's all for you."

She sigh, feeling frustrated. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Alright. Alright." I smiled. "Are you okay with sleeping here?" . "Yeah of course."


Cassey's POV

"When the hell will she come out?!" I screeched.

The thing is, I've been waiting for Ivory to come out from her house. It has been one night since I stay in my car just to watch her come out so I can make my move.

She'll regret what she did by stealing my man.

Ivory's POV

I woke up by the smell of coffee. Knowing ot was JungKook, I went to the kitchen to be greeted by him sipping the coffee.

"You're up?" . "Hmm." I hummed. "Here," he pushed the coffee a bit further to me.

"Listen, about last night..." He stopped. "I really am sorry, Ivory."

"I didn't think clearly of what I was doing and I regretted what I did. You were the one I love, Ivy. Not her." He said, cupping my hands in his. "JungKook, I- I can't." I released my hands from him.

"I'm sorry. I just- I've moved on now."

He sighed, forced to smile. "It's alright, it's okay. I got it." .

"But Ivory, can I please, please, have one dinner with you." He looked me up right in the eyes.

I nodded, "Yeah, of course."

I'm glad he finished this. I still love him, obviously. But it's enough seeing myself hurt like this. I really want to be alone for a few moment.

He want to prepare dinner for us. I see he wanted this to be special. He went here last night, walking alone. Hence why he took my car to the grocery store to buy some needed things for the dinner.


I'm watching TV at the living room as my phone buzzed. I took a glance and saw it was Jimin, "Hello?"

"Ivory! Ivory, where are you?" He sounded like he was in a rush. "I'm at home, why?" I furrowed my brows as I heard his voice. "Come to the hospital now! JungKook got into an accident!" he lightly shouted. 

As I heard the words, I grab my jacket and ran outside, just as I forgot he used my car. I sigh with frustration and ran to the nearest bus stop.

I arrived 10 minutes after Jimin had called and I ran to them. "Where's JungKook?" I asked, panting since I ran to them. "They're still operating him." Namjoon answered, fiddling his fingers together. 


The doctor came out, giving us a slight smile before closing the door shut. "How's Jungkook?" Yoongi stands up, followed by the others. "He has a bone fracture at his hip. We'll let him rest for about 2 days. After, he'll be going under surgery for better treatment." 

"He'll be fine." He added, giving a reassured smile to us. We all sigh in relieve. "Can we see him now?" I asked getting a nod reply. We opened the door, seeing him resting, looking at the ceiling. "Hey Jungkook," Hoseok greeted him first. "Hey hyung." he smiled back, seeing happy but behind those smile I cant tell the true him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "Yeah, of course" he gave me his cutest smile. I nodded. 

'How can you be fine?'  I thought to myself. "Can I have a moment with him please." I looked at the other members and the nodded, "Sure, we'll buy foods." Taehyung said and the rest followed him out of the room.

There's an awkward silence between me and Jungkook but I really felt like talking to him. 


eeep! im so freaking sorry for the looong no update jahhaahah but yeah yeah! enjoy this chap alright yall! <3

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