Nine! ( /^_^/ )

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Ivory's POV

I JungKook being serious right now? How could no one see that bitch is a filthy well known actress.

And here am I,walking alone home,muttering some words about the incident happened earlier.

I heard that JungKook went home as well. Straight home,didn't even bother how I could get home. Ugh,what do I do until I received this bad luck?

I walk at the house,weirdly noticing thst JungKook hasn't been home yet. Must've been talking to Cassey I guess.

"Ivory!" It was Mrs. Jeon. What is she doing here? Should I tell her about the incident earlier? I really wanted to so JungKook can be punished but somehow I felt a tiny bit wrong.

"Mum! What makes you here?" I giggled and welcomed her inside. "Oh you know,just wanna check out my kids here. Oh and sweetie, your parents had this work which they had to leave to Hong Kong for a couple of days. They departed yesterday but they didn't really have the time to tell us."

"Ohhh okay then." I nodded.

"Where's JungKook?" Before I could answer,the door opened revealing JungKook and Cassey.

Hah didn't expect mum to be here eh? Somehow I felt a bit intimidated by this situation. "M- mum.." JungKook trailed off.

"Who's that?" She stitches her eyebrows together. They both stayed in silent. "Oh mum that's one of my friends,I told her to come for a visit. She just came home from LA." I lied. I had to. Why am I too nice? Psh I don't even know.

"Ye- yeah this is her friend." JungKook look over to me and I rolled my eyes. "N- nice to meet you Mrs. Jeon" Cassey happily walks over and shook hands,with her oh-so-nice voice tone.

Mrs. Jeon looks a bit weird by the situation happening here.

We were having dinner. Yes with Cassey as well since she 'pleaded' to have one with us saying that it's an so called 'opportunity'. Even mum feels a bit awkward having her for dinner!

"So,Cassey. What are you doing?" Mum ask,meaning about her jobs or anything. "Oh um- I..." She stuttered,looking at JungKook to help her with answers which JungKook looks also nervous.

"Actually mum,Cassey works in a café near the street down there." I had to help them. They're looking a bit surprised by my help. "Y- yeah.. I do." Cassey follows.

"Oh that's wonderful! We should go there sometimes!" Mum cheered and we all nodded.

-After dinner-

"Thank you for the dinner Ivory. I had a good time."

"Sure mum! You're welcome anytime okay." I reassure her and waved at her before she's leaving.

Knowing that it would be awkward if I stay with JungKook amd Cassey so I quickly went to my room and locked the door.

After about half an hour,I heard Cassey leaving the house. I was feeling a bit relief at the moment but the knock on my door did help to prevent. "*knock knock*Ivory?" He's voice calling my name,making my hear bumped up. "Y- yes?" Despite I try to prevent from stuttering,that didn't help me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asks. "What about?" I ask back, "Just open up," and it was followed by his sigh. Knowing that he's not going to leave,I gave up and groggily opened up the door. I bumped back on my bed, "Talk." I shrug,wanting him to leave as fast as could. 

"Listen Ivory,I know I've been treating you wrong these days and I left you several times so I'm here to apologize..." He sigh. "That's it?" I snorted raising up my eyebrows.

"Well what'd you want more?" He ridiculously asks. "Are fucking serious with me right now?". "Jeon JungKook I understand that you have to protect your oh-so-nice girlfriend but that doesn't mean you have to believe in her shitty answers."

"She's my fucking girlfriend ,don't you dare call her anything you want." He growls. "Yeah for now you do believe her. Don't come to anyone who helped you. Me and your hyungs try to keep you away from anything that'll break you heart but you insist of going on your own way. So yeah." I said back and he walks out.

Around 10PM,my throat felt an itch so I decided to drink a glass of water. Also,my head were a bit dizzy after that time when me and JungKook kinda fight.

I realized he is sitting at the living room kn the couch,watching the TV. As I opened the door,it made a creaked sound making JungKook turning his heads towards me.

He turned back at the TV like nothing happened, "Grab me a can of coke." D- did he really just demand me? "Excuse me?" I snorted. "Do I really need to repeat? Get the damn coke!" He outraged all of sudden.

Knowing that he's really mad,I walk away to the kitchen and drink a glass of water. I harshly grab the coke and decided to take the pills I left at on of the cabinet.

My vision started getting blurry, my head were really feeling heavy and my body were restlessly not feeling a move. Later did I know,my head hit the cold ground.

JungKook's POV

'Where the hell is she?!' I thought to myself as I was getting impatient. "Ivory,hurry up!" I admit, I am getting want to annoyed her more and more after what she did to Cassey so yeah.

After several screeching,I harshly went to the kitchen and saw her lying on the semen floor. "I- Ivory what happened?" I said and get closer to her.

I felt bad by sudden and quickly picks her up to her bed. I saw there are some pills in her hand. 'Is she sick?' I ask myself even though knowing I couldn't find the answer.


Late update!!!!!!!!

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