Sixteen (/ ^_^ /)

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Ivory's POV

Oh my god, why do they put the eggs so high up there? I complained to myself as the eggs were out of reach. "Here." I stumbled a bit when I heard a deep man voice beside me, took the eggs and handing it out to me. "Ohh, thank you. It's just short legs problems." I chuckled. "No, it's alright Miss-" he waited for me to give my name. "Ivory." I handed out my hand. "I'm Jun Soo" 

"I see by your name you're not Korean?" he asked. "My mum's from California" I nodded. "Ahh, well Ivory, I have to go now. Here's my number in case you're wanting another help on reaching the eggs. See you later." he winks and walks away. 

'How embarrassing...' I sigh and continue for my pierogi shopping! 

JungKook's POV

Is she seeing another guy? It's only been few days before the incident. Who's that guy anyway? What if that's her fiancé?! Ugh no way, I look way better than him!


"I'm home!!" I shouted as they all ran to me just to get their ice creams and snacks. "What took you so long?" Hoseok hyung asked as he opened the tub of ice cream. "Long line." I lied and hang my coat. "Taetae hyung, can you go to my room before you going to bed?" I asked and he nodded. 


"Hey kook, what's up?" he asked and sat beside my bed. "Look, at the grocery store, I actually met Ivory..." I sigh. "AH HA!!" he shouted loudly while pointing his finger at me. "I knew it. You lied." He smirked. "Ughh whatever, just keep it low." I rolled my eyes. "I met her with another guy and I don't know who he is because I never really recogni-" I stopped as he put his index finger on my lips. 

"You're jealous?" he smirked. "Hyung!!" . "Hahahah okay okay!" . "I need to make a research about him!" I nodded. "You called me dumbass yesterday and asked for my help the next day? Sighhh." He smiled. "Whatever! Just don't let anyone know about this. Or else." . "What's in for me?" he smirked.

"I'll give you chocolates!" . "Ahh I can get Yoongi hyung buy that for me." "I'll be your servant." I forcefully made my point as he chuckled, "Alright then. Consider it done." He put on his 'arrogant' facial expression.

Ivory's POV

As straight as I went home, I made my favorite pierogies! It's not much of a hassle as I used to make this dish quite a number of times.

After I finished dishing out the pierogies, I went to have a quick change. As I shove my hands into my pocket I remembered back the number the cute guy left for me.

I placed it onto my table and change into my pajamas.


NamJoon's POV

"Hyung, I'm gonna go to the gym for a quick workout." JungKook stated as he put on his normal gym clothing. "Haven't you had enough abs?" I chuckled, still leaving my eyes on the book.

"The more abs, the better." He smirked. "It should be the more knowledge, the better." I correct. "Ahh, lame people." He chuckled and close the door.

Five minutes after he left, something came into my mind. Today is Saturday which means the gym wouldn't be opening today.
As I was thinking hardly about this, I spot his phone on his table. 'Perfect.' I thought and ran to his phone and checked his messages. "Cassey?" I spoke to myself and read their just had conversation.

Cassey : Oppa!

Cassey : Oppaaaa! I'm truly sorry for what I've doneee!

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