Eleven! ( / ^_^ / )

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JungKook's POV

Apparently our Red Bullet Tour is tomorrow which it had been accelerated . I still didn't had a chance to apologize towards Ivory because she kept on ignoring / avoiding me ; every time I tried.

" Hey JungKook , come on! " V hyung shouted as he grabbed my attention , referring that we have to get to the meeting right away.

Ivory's POV

Mum had said she's going to be late so my parents and JungKook's will be coming tonight.

Ironically , JungKook will not be here tonight because he had his tour going on in Japan.

' Is this the right choice? '  I thought to myself all day long because divorcing is not a thing to play with .

' I do love him but I'm not gonna let my love become one sided . '

' He definitely loves Cassey. '

' But it seems like he does loves me too right? '

" Ughh! " I groaned as I kept myself busy with those questions all day long.

* Knock knock *

I went to open the door when JungKook appeared. " H - hey.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I nod very slightly as I went back to do the dishes. He closes the door and went to the fridge to grab something to drink.

" So um... " He coughed. " I'm gonna go to a tour " he said , matter-of-factly. " Yeah , I know. " I shrugged.

" A- are you gonna be okay staying alone? " he asks as I remembered that I'm going to leave him anyways.

" I- Ivory? " . " Oh yeah , definitely. " I gave him a wry smile .

I can't tell him about this. No.

" Okay then. I'm gonna go pack. " he said and went away. The tears I kept on refraining from him to see , rolls down my eyes.

' You have to do this , Ivory. '  I thought and brushes the tears away.


" Ivory! I'm going. " He shouted as I sigh and went out from my room. " You're going? "

" Yeah and I bought the spare key already. " He said jiggling it. I ran to him and gave him a tight hug. " I'm gonna miss you. " I admitted.

" Me too , Ivory.... " he hugged back. He releases me as his lips perfectly met mine. " Take care , Ivy " . " You too , Kookie. " I smiled and gave him the last kiss and hugs

Tears kept rolling down my cheeks as he went to his car , waving , for the last time.

" I'm gonna miss you , JungKook. " I sigh.


Mum , dad and Mr. , Mrs. Jeon finally came and we had a deep conversation.

" Ivory , you know you don't have to do this , darling. " Mrs. Jeon sigh. " It's for the best , I guess. His love was meant for Cassey and... Clearly they love each other. " I explained.

Thankfully , they're not mad at JungKook for having a girlfriend . I had to make a story saying how 'nice' she was though. And it's the last time I'm gonna do it.

" Sweetie , you sure this is your decision? " Mum asked again. " I'm sure , Mum. " I gave them a wry smile as they nodded in response.

" Okay then , let's file their divorce. "

Apparently , the contract needed only my parents and Mr. , Mrs. Jeon's signature. Arranged marriage , what can I say,sigh.

" Alright Ivory , you can pack tonight and tomorrow I'll pick you up so you can have some time around here. " Dad assures and I nodded. " Thank you. " I bid to everyone as I went to pack up.

JungKook's POV

We had a break for a few minutes before we start practicing and I decided to call Ivory ti check her in.

" Hello? " A lovely voice came up , sounding like a tone in my ears. " Hey Ivory. " I smiled to myself. " Hey , JungKook.  What's up? "

" Not much. We're just having a break , how about you? " . "Um , I'm just watching TV. " I could hear her stutter but I shrugged it off.

" Are you okay though? " I asked , concerned. " Yeah , you? " . " Just a bit tired. But it's nothing. "

" Make sure to get some sleep! " she said as Jimin called me. " Hey JungKook ! Let's practice! " . " I got to go Ivory , I'll call you when I'm free. " . " Alright then. Good luck!".

" Thanks! "

Ivory's POV

I continue packing my stuffs as I dozed off to sleep because I'm tired.


" Honey , are you ready? " Mum asked as I looked through the house , for the last time. " Goodbye , house. It's been a fun time staying here. "

I went in the car as we drove back to my old house.


JungKook's POV

Me and the members had a free time and we decided to just explore the Tokyo city. We had so much fun time as JHope hyung called me. " Hey JungKook? Isn't that.... Cassey? "

Apparently it's her but the question is why is she here , walking with another guy?

We decided to follow her till they stop at an empty alley. She kissed him in the lips as they keep on making out.

" Cassey? " I voiced up. She quickly push him off as she seemed startled by my presence. " J- JungKook , wh- what are you doing here? " She stuttered. 

Wow , isn't that obvious enough she was cheating?

" What am I doing here? Psh , what are YOU doing here? " I asked her back a bit intimidated. " I- I was- " . " Clearly , you're cheating , Cassey and the members are right. I shouldn't have trusted you in the first place. " .

" Babe , no- " I cut her off. " You know what I always have thought that Ivory is the mean one but I was wrong the WHOLE time. You're the one who makes her suffer. " I shouted and the other members back off a bit to distract the other people who walk by. " But- " 

" No buts , Cassey and I think this explains good enough about our 'fake' relationship. " I said referring that she could go have a 'nice' relationship with the jackass guy and I don't give a shit.

" Wait- JungKook, please" she grabbed my arms as I slapped her hands away . " It's over. " 


A bit late update , I know! But anyways, I'll update the next part soon okaiss?! And by the way, it's close to the end anyways so yeah *inserts kiss emoji!* x 

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