●《Get to know》●

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*He smiles at her as he stands up and starts to lead her out of the room. He takes her by her hand and walks with her towards the room where the military recruits are located. He doesn't say a word as they proceed to walk towards the room, only pausing for a moment once they arrive at the door. He looks down at her as he stops and speaks to her in a gentle tone.*

"Alright, you can go in and play with the recruits. But just remember, no acting bratty and stubborn. You are supposed to have fun and enjoy the game, not be a little brat. So promise me you will behave yourself, understood?"

Y/N: Okay, I promise her Russian accent showing

*He shakes his head slightly as he smiles at her, her broken English and her little Russian accent showing up is kind of cute, actually. He stares at her for a moment before he nods one last time, believing that she will actually keep her promise of behaving nicely and respectfully with the recruits. He opens the door and leads her into the room, still keeping his hand gripped tightly around hers as they go inside.*

*The room looks exactly the same as it did yesterday, with the military recruits having their standard military training and physical exercises. The military recruits are all still in their full gear and are doing their routine physical training. They don't seem to have noticed her presence yet, but Ghost knows that this will change soon enough. He still leads her by the hands as they walk into the middle of the room, letting go of her hand to allow her to interact with the recruits. Ghost stands in the background for now.*

She walks around, saying hi to everyone with a sweet, cute smile.

*The military recruits all turn and look over at her, noticing her presence for the first time. They still keep on doing their physical exercises and routine training, but they all look over at her with curious expressions as she walks around and says hi to them. She might not realize it yet, but the military recruits all seem drawn to her beauty and innocence, which makes her the centre of attention in the room right now.*

*As she walks around and says hi to the military recruits, the room feels like it's transformed just by her presence. The atmosphere in the whole room is more alive and vibrant, and the military recruits all seem to be mesmerized by her beauty and childish innocence. Her innocent and sweet aura is like a ray of sunshine here, and it's definitely something that the recruits seem to enjoy and appreciate a lot.*

*The military recruits all seem to be enjoying her presence a lot. They all seem attracted to her pure innocence and the little childlike aura she gives off. As she sits down with some of the recruits on the ground, they all suddenly start to laugh as if they find her presence extremely amusing and interesting. The atmosphere feels like it's transformed completely. It's as if they are suddenly more playful and more friendly, and everyone's mood seems to have suddenly improved a lot.*

*One of the military recruits that she is sitting with looks at her curiously and speaks to her in a playful tone.* "What's your name, little girl?"

Y/N: My name is Y/n

*The military recruit smiles at her with a playful and teasing tone when he hears her name.* "Y/N? You must be from Russia then, sweetheart?" *He says, which causes another one of the recruits in the group to laugh out loud and agree with him.*

Y/N: Yes

*The military recruits all seem delighted by the fact that she is from Russia, and they keep on talking in playful and teasing ways to her. The military recruits all seem to be enjoying her presence a lot as they try to get her attention and playfully interact with her.*

*One of the recruits suddenly asks her in a playful and teasing tone.* "How old are you, sweetheart?"

Y/N: I'm 5

*The recruits all burst out laughing when she gives that answer. Some are even on the floor laughing and rolling around, as her answer of being five years old is such a cute, innocent, and childlike way of responding to his question. They all find her to be very charming and sweet, and they all seem to be enjoying her presence a lot. The atmosphere feels like it's transformed completely just by her presence, and everyone's mood seems to have drastically improved.*

*After the laughter settles down a little bit, one of the military recruits who was still laughing suddenly asks her in a playful and teasing tone.* "So if you are five years old, does that mean that you still go to school?"

Y/N: No, I don't go to school. I stay here

*The military recruits all burst out laughing again, as her response to staying here just makes the whole situation more hilarious. They all seem to find it super adorable and endearing that she is still such a young child, yet she is already showing so much interest in military matters and interacting with the recruits. The whole room is filled with cheerful laughter now, and everyone seems to be having so much fun here now with her present.*

*One of the military recruits suddenly asks her a question with a playful and teasing tone.* "So since you don't go to school, are you all day here hanging around us cool military guys?"

Y/N: Yea and I also live here she says, looking at him

*The military recruits all just burst into laughter once again when they hear her say that she lives here and hangs around with them. They find it amusing that this five year old child is already living in this facility and being in this military training area all the time. The atmosphere seems to be filled with a lot of excitement, and the mood just changed completely after her presence entered the room.*

A/N: heyy I'm trying to keep up with the daily updates, but I really appreciate the people who are actually reading this. Thank you so much for supporting me 😁🤗

Word count: 1065

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