Chapter 2

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The days are usually very similar here.
There's usually nothing different.
But not today.
A fight starts in the Casino area. It's not something so surprising since it's become very normal that people fight there but this time the man is armed.
Everytime a guest comes here some employers have the task to check if the guest has arms or anything that can put the hotel in danger or the people inside.
I don't know if this man was able to corrupt them or if they simply forgot to check him but as soon as they will find out they'll get in trouble.
Our entire work revolves around this word.

The man starts screaming and point the gun to another man. He has short blonde hair, blue eyes and a scar on his right cheek. He looks pretty buff too.


The man keeps screaming, no one dares to do nothing, neither when the man actually takes off the safety of the gun. We actually can't do anything in this situation following the rules. We can try to stop the fight but if there's arms around then we have to wait for one of them to resolve everything.
I look around. No trace of Jamie, Nick or Matt.
I take a deep breath and try to calm the situation down.

«Sir please put the gun down, can someone tell me what happened?»

The other man that is been threatening talk. He looks way more fragile instead of him.

«I tell you what happened. I won the game and took his money but apparently he can't accept his loss and now he is accusing me that I cheated and he wants his money back. But I didn't cheat, I played correctly»


«Sir please calm d-»

Too late.
He shoots and the rumour of the gun makes me close my eyes. There's a moment of silence and then the whole room is full of people screaming. I slowly open my eyes.
The fragile man is on the ground full of blood. The bullet had hit his head and it would be a miracle if he's still alive.
I take a step back scared. A whole feel of nausea grows inside of me more and more. I look at the man that shouted him and he's looking at him in disbelief too. I just want to run away but suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to face the guy and it's Matt.
He goes to the armed man and quickly disarmed him. He keeps grabbing his arm so he won't run away, then turns to me.

«You're aware of what you just did yeah?»

His tone is firmly and I nod nervous but then I start to feel angry and for the first time since I'm here I actually have the courage to argue back at him.
Maybe I'm actually different from the crowd?

«Yeah I'm aware of what I did but are you seriously saying something to me? A man just died and you're getting angry at me because I broke one useless rule?»

His face becomes more serious and I actually get anxious. He grabs my arm.

«One useless rule? Go say that to Alex. You're coming with me, the others clean this mess very quickly, move on»

Everyone is looking at me terrified.
I've never saw Alex in his office and it wasn't in my plans seeing him. But now, it's actually happening.
Why did I act like this? Maybe Sandy's words are actually starting to have an influence on me.
He drags me and the man near Alex's office. He makes me sit in the waiting room while he takes the man inside his office.
The waiting room is not that big and the only sounds I can hear is the clock ticking and the whispers from Alex's office.

I wait for 15 minutes but it looks like an hour to me. As soon as Matt came out with the man I can see his shocked face. I wonder what Alex said to him.
Matt signed me to go inside and I take a deep breath.

Alex's office, instead of the waiting room, is pretty big, I don't understand why he needs an office that big. The style is vintage like basically the whole hotel after all and a desk is in the center of the room, him sitting behind of it.
His stare is sharpen like his look, but his voice? That's even worse.

«Sit down»

He says pointing at the chair near the desk. Only when I start walking through the chair I notice how shaky my legs actually are. Is that what people call fear?

«You broke one of the rules, called it "useless" and argued back at Matt»

His look is enough to kill someone and right now he's killing me very slowly.

«Sir I...I'm sorry I don't know why I acted like this I promise it won't happen again»

«I'm sure it won't happen again but I still have to-»

Suddenly his phone ring, he looks at the number then gives me a final look before answering. He walks away from me and talks in a low tone so I can't hear anything.
My attention moves to his desk. There are pens, some notebooks, registers and a journal that soon catch my attention.
The things that are writings make my eyes go wide. Every single word are enough to make me realize how things actually are.
Sandy is right.
Something is actually wrong in this hotel.

«So I was saying...»

Alex sits down again and looks at me, his gaze now is more an annoyed one but I actually don't care anymore.

«For what you've done you have to work one hour more than anyone for the entire month. I'm sure it won't be a problem. You can go now»

«Goodbye sir»

I quickly run out of his office. My mind still elaborating what I just read in that journal.
I have to find Sandy.

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