Chapter 3

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It was pretty obvious that Sandy is right about every doubts she has about this hotel but in my mind I just wanted to convince myself that this is the normality.
And Sandy noticed that, she was right when she said that we're playing their game. By pretending that this is all normal they won't have any troubles.

I return in the Casino area, I see all the guests outside as they're cleaning all the mess. I don't know why they're cleaning a literal murder scene, another pretty weird thing.

As soon as I see Sandy I get closer to her and she hugs me tightly.

«God I was so scared, I thought that was the last time I would've seen you. Anyway wanna help clean all this mess? No one wants to touch that dead body»

«No we have to talk about serious things»

Her gaze becomes more serious as I said that. She knows what I mean.

«By the way you've been amazing when you argued back at Mat. See? You're more brave then you think»

And she's right, for all this time I lived in a shadow, the fear of something bad happening to me couldn't stop tormenting me but I'm more determined then ever to find out what's going on in this cursed place.

«We can't talk here there's too many people, let's go in the library during the break»

She whispers so no one else can hear us.

"Why the library? Nobody go there, if they're gonna see us they will get some suspects about us for sure"

"Well it's a library so there's gonna be some books about this hotel for sure and don't worry, there's nothing wrong about two girls searching for books, in case we're gonna use the boredom as an excuse"

Since this is a hotel the library is not that big, there's only one rack with a few books and a little desk. Since nobody come here they don't clean it that much so you can clearly see that there's some dust around, but maybe the fact that is not very visited make us more safe because I guess that they don't come check this place and I haven't seen any security cameras around here so I guess we're safe.

There aren't many books that are relative about the hotel, most of them are books about some important authors or poetry and philosophy stuff.

«Found something?» Sandy asks.

«I don't know, is Freud something relatable to you?»

She sighs, we almost check all the books and we still haven't found something. It's a bit weird that there's nothing interesting.

«By the way, what have you found in his office»

Right I almost forgot about that.

«While he was talking on the phone I noticed a journal on his desk. At first I didn't pay too much attention on it but then I read something. The journal was talking about the hotel, it said that so many people are disappearing when they come in this hotel, the police can't do anything because they can't find anything suspicious and then it said something about the human soul that I didn't catch too well because Alex came back»

She stays silent for some minutes, thinking about what I just told her.

«So you're saying that we're basically trapped here and nobody is aware of that? I don't know Selene, it seems too much easy. Why Alex would leave something like this in his desk knowing that you can easily read it?»

«Maybe he just forgot about it. And if you're trying to say that he suspects about us it makes no sense. I mean, you're the only one that always see something wrong here»

«Yeah but you're always with me so it wouldn't be weird if he suspects about you too»

She's not totally wrong. Maybe he does want us to follow a fake trace or maybe this is the right trace but he knows that we would be suspicious and that would make us follow a wrong trace.
This is too confusing.

«You know what? Let's pretend that nobody suspects about us» I say with a sigh.

«No we can't pretend that, we have to keep our eyes open. Okay let's just focus for a moment. In the journal talked about human soul but why?»

Silence fills the room as we both start thinking. I keep looking at the books searching for an answer and then...boom found it.

«I got it» I say picking a book about Aristotle «Here "The Soul According to Aristotle"»

We quickly sit and start reading the book. The soul according to Aristotle is "the act of a natural body that has life potentially". It causes a substance that has life in potential to actually become a living being, it is the principle of organization of the body, therefore it is not separable from the substance that it organizes, but since for Aristotle the principle of organization of a substance is the form, the soul is the form of living beings. It is the realization of the body.

«I can't understand, how can this be useful?»

We look all the page of the books until the last one, a name is write on it.

«Who is Mark?»

«I don't know honestly, I'm still trying to understand what the thing we just read means»

«Why a journal talk about human soul in the first place?»

«Because...Because it's not a real journal»

How did I not think about that before? It was clear and Sandy makes me notice that even before when she said that it was weird that he kept the journal visible in the desk.

«What do you mean?»

«Alex knows that we're trying to know the truth and he wants to play our game. The journal wasn't a real journal, he made it and made it very visible»

«Matt provoked you on purpose so that he would've had an excuse to bring you to Alex»

Sandy adds. Everything makes more sense now. Even if we're not totally sure, it's just a theory after all but it still makes sense.

«You even said that they always know where we are and what we are doing»

«He's challenging us Selene, he knows we have no chance against him»

«Well then let's prove him wrong»

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