Chapter 4

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First of all we need to sign all the clues we've found.
We take a little piece of paper and we start writing all the things we found out and that can be possibly real.
We have some hints but they are just a theory so we can't be totally sure about them, but it's something.

«Okay so we have: them checking everything on the hotel, Alex that probably knows about the fact that we know, some things about the human soul and a name» Sandy says.

Everything is so confusing, we don't know where to start searching and we have a lot of unsure informations. I can't lie about the fact that the idea of giving up crossed my mind.

«Do you think that the murder of that guy was planned too?» Sandy asks

«Hm... I don't think so. They couldn't know if I tried to calm the situation down. They took the chance as soon as they saw it»

We look at the informations we have one more time hoping that some ideas pop up our head but nothing.

«Listen... let's just go back to work, I'll take the book and the notes and when we have the break we're gonna try thinking of something. Staying here right now it's too dangerous, we have to act as normal as possible»

I nod as she said that and after she takes all the things we need we go out of the library but as soon as we step in front of the door it opens.
There's someone.
Someone that unfortunately we know very well.

Our face soon become full of terror, we look at him not daring to say something, in our minds we already imagine our terrible ending.

We wait and wait...and nothing happened.
He steps aside letting us get out.

We look at eachother confused as we walk out. The fact that he didn't say anything is weird but in a way is better like this...or maybe not?
Now he knows that we were there and he's gonna tell Alex about it.

«Fuck..." Sandy says, probably thinking the same thing as me. I can see by her face that she's very stressed.
Finding the truth might be more hard than we thought about it.

«I guess they really know wherever we are»

We return to the Casino area.
The other already cleaned up all the mess and everything seems to return normal.
Another weird thing.
How do they act as if a person wasn't killed a few minutes ago?

«Hey you two!» A guy approaches us, Micheal.
He's our colleague that works with us in the Casino area, and he's the one that almost everyone hates because he always acts like he's the boss here in the Casino.

«Where were you? You didn't help us cleaning at all»

I'm sure he's more referring to me since I'm the one who didn't help cleaning at all, but apparently he's talking to Sandy too since he's looking at her angry.

«Sorry uhm...we were at the bathroom, you know... girls problem" I say trying to sound as convincing as possible.

«I don't care, now you two have to clean during the break»

I mean, I already have to work a hour more than anyone so it's not a really big deal, but me and Sandy need the break.
We have to discuss to important things.

«You can't-» I was about to argue back but she stops me.

«It's fine, we're gonna clean during the break don't worry»

I give Sandy a confused look and even him is very confused about the fact that we actually accept. She looks at me and gives me a little nod then looks at him again.

«Oh...okay then» He walks away and I immediately turn to Sandy. What is she planning to do?

«I wanna test something, I wanna see if they are actually checking on us»

She says while going to a table where people were playing some minutes ago and clean it up.
I help her put the pocket cards at their place and clean the table.

After half a hour the break start, everyone goes to their room while me and Sandy stay here in the Casino cleaning. The others didn't bother to clean even a bit since they know we're staying here.
We grab the tools and start cleaning the Casino area.
We act normal, like we're supposed to do, talking about random things and how tired we are from cleaning.
Is when I start cleaning a game machine that I start feeling a strange sensation but I couldn't feel what it is.
And that's where I noticed him.
Jamie is spying on us. I quickly look away and get closer to Sandy and whisper to her.

«There's Jamie looking at us»

For a second I could see her expression being bothered but being quickly replaced by a smile.

«I hate this goddamn job, is so stupid and boring» she says loudly. Is she crazy or something?!

«What the hell are you doing?» I whisper to her.

«Just play along, I'm gonna explain to you later» she quickly says before starting to say, probably what everyone thinks about this job and hotel, loud enough for Jamie to hear everything.

After an hour or so we finally finish cleaning all the Casino area and we walk through our room.
After we check that no one is following us I talk to Sandy.

«What was that for?»

«First thing, Jamie checked us all the time we were cleaning, a clear sign that they know about what we're doing.
Second thing, I had to make sure that he was actually checking us. If he wasn't he would have come to me as soon as he heard me say those things to probably bring me to Alex, but he didn't»

«So they know?»

«Oh yeah, they know everything. First theory confirmed»

«How are we supposed to do something if they'll check on us all the time»

«I don't know...but this looks like fun»

«You're crazy»

«Maybe I am, I just love the thrill of it»

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