Chapter 8

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«C'mon give me the file» his voice is so serious it freaks me out but he can dream of me giving him the file, not after all the effort we put in trying to get it.
He sighs.

«Okay let's put it this way: give me the file and everything will be okay and I'll pretend nothing of this ever happened, deal?»

«Absolutely no» we both say at the same time.
None of us want to give up, not now that we have found useful informations. We can't forget all the things we have done and how much we have risk to get until here and we're not gonna throw all that effort away.

We're both waiting for the worse now. We know what is going to happen, I mean... there's no other ending than this. They're gonna catch us and get the file back and then only God knows what they're gonna do to us.
We wait...and wait.
Time is passing so fast yet so slowly.
But then before anything could happen a loud noise around all the hotel make us snap back to reality.
Is that the... fire alarm?
Before I could even realise what is going on Sandy quickly grab my arm and start running away.

We never stop running until we arrived to her room. She quickly closes and locks the door.
We're both panting and out of breath but at least we're safe and still with the file in our hands.

«Is there a fire?» I ask and she quickly shakes her head

«Don't worry, it's all part of the plan» she says still breathing heavily.
Part of the plan? I look at her confused.

She stays quiet for a bit catching her breath and as soon as she's okay again she starts talking.

«Let me explain to you what happened while you were talking with Alex»

Sandy's pov

I can't see a fucking damn thing. The office is darker than I expected and I can't turn on the light or everyone will see that there's someone, and no, they will never think that the "someone" is Alex since I'm 100% sure that he told them about the fact that he has to meet Selene...and I'm also sure that he told at least one of them to go check if someone will enter here, another reason why I have to move on.

I only have this poor light of a torch and I don't have so much time since I told Selene to resist at least thirty minutes...and thirty minutes are not so much.

I keep scrolling around the files. Why there are so many? Of course there are so many, it's a damn archive what am I even thinking?
I have to calm down or I will never find something.
Right now I just wanna cry to be honest, I don't know how much time it passed since I'm here, I don't know how much time I have left and I still haven't found anything. God if Alex is not gonna kill me then Selene will do it if I return without anything.

«You know, it would have been even a nice plan if you would have paid more attention» Nick's voice behind is enough to make me regret every decision I ever took. I didn't even hear him enter how can he be so sneaky?
I knew I should have write my testament before I went here.

I can hear his footsteps get closer any second passing by.
Well what can I say guys? I loved you, Selene I'm sorry if I failed but I'm sure you will find the truth alone, you're a very smart girl and...well see you on the other side I guess.

«You're searching on the wrong» I see him open the only drawer that I haven't check out yet and searching for a file, then taking one.

«You're lucky that Alex send me to check and not Jamie or Matt, at this time you would have been screwed up bad» he says handing me the file.
Is he not gonna do anything? Really? Is he really helping me?
I'm so confused right now.

«Why are you helping me?» I say while looking at the file

«Because I'm tired, I'm tired of Alex, he's completely out of his mind and I'm tired with all this hotel situation in general... it's too much pressure»

«And why's that?»

«I can't tell you that, you have to figure out by yourself but be careful while you do it because you have no idea what that man is capable to do»

His tone changes to a more serious one, something tell me that I can trust Nick and now more than before I'm determined to find out the truth.
But wait...

«Aren't cameras in Alex's office too? He's gonna see everything» I say as anxiety starts filling my body, I forgot about that...
I can see Nick smiling.

«Don't worry about that» he sits on Alex's desk and turn on the computer. A faint light is able to let me see his face and only a bit of the surrounding.

«Okay listen very carefully because I'm not gonna repeat twice. I'm gonna advise Jamie and Matt about the fact that I wasn't able to got you so none of them is gonna get suspects that I'm helping you. They will obviously gonna try to find you so be careful to not get caught. As soon as you're gonna get out of this office I'm gonna set a timer on the fire alarm and that will make it activate in 15 minutes. After setting the timer I'm gonna delete the camera registration so Alex will not see anything. The sound of the fire alarm will be loud enough to make everyone distract so you can return to your room without any problem. And, last thing, don't hide the file in your room because they will probably go to check if you have it there and trust me they'll search everywhere but I think you already know that. Everything's clear?»

The plan is actually very good, I just have to be careful and try to not get caught by Jamie or Matt and everything will be fine. I can do this. I will not disappoint Selene. We have to get out of this place together and I will do anything for that to happen.

«But...what if they will try to do something to me while I'm working?»

«Nah is not gonna happen. The file I gave you  contains useful informations for you but not those informations that Alex doesn't want you to know. He doesn't keep those kind of informations in these archives»

«So why can't you just tell me what those informations are since you want to help us?» he chuckles

«That would be too easy don't you think?»

I sigh, I was kinda hoping that he would have tell me what I wanted to hear but of course he won't. After all for them we're playing just a detective game and they're like the spectators.
They don't take us seriously enough but we will show them what we really are.

«Okay enough talking... let's start the plan»

Selene's pov

I don't know if I'm supposed to be scared or happy or both. But at the end the important thing is that Sandy is safe and also now we know that we have one more helper that is also the closest person to Alex, good and bad at the same time. Now that we know Nick is on our side is gonna be really the end if we do a wrong move, but is also better than not having anyone so I don't really complain.

I look at the file then at Sandy that nods at me before I slowly open it

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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