Chapter 6

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«I actually have an idea. What if we pretend to give up so I can go to see Alex and takes him out of his office and you can enter and look at the archives»

For a moment she stays silent, maybe thinking. I could see how she's intrigued by the idea but then her face becomes more serious and she shakes her head.

«Absolutely no. It's too risky»

«Yeah but the risk it's part of what we're doing»

«Yes but we have no idea what Alex could do to you... What if, I don't know, he's gonna kill you?»

«Kill me? C'mon I don't think he's gonna end up doing things like that»

I actually never seen Sandy face so serious and that kinda freak me out.

«Have you seen that man? He's insane, if he wants he will kill you without thinking twice»

«Okay then what are we supposed to do? Tell me»

The truth is that we're out of ideas, we have no clue how to get him out, we have no clue how to check the archives and the idea that I proposed seems like the only solution we have at the moment and even Sandy knows that by seeing her defeat expression in her face.

«Listen...if something bad is gonna happen we're gonna leave everything and we're gonna think about something else, but I think we should give it a shots»

She looks at me and sighs.

«You have to keep him busy, I need time to find something actually useful. Do you think you can stand a conversation with him that last like... thirty minutes?»

That's a lot and I actually have no idea how to talk with him for thirty full minutes but I have to.
I nod.

« how are you gonna convince him to get out of his office?»

«I was thinking that we could tell him to meet up tonight when everyone goes to sleep, outside because we don't trust what there could be inside, and that we can meet near the library that it's not too far from his office so he will not suspect anything»

«Okay I guess it makes sense...»

We both sigh, we can clearly feel the tension that none of us is trying to hide, it's a big risk.

«Okay so let's write him a letter and then let's hope everything will go right»

Sandy says taking a paper and a pen and she sits on the desk.

«We decide to give up, we understand that there's no possibilities for us to find out the truth. We're gonna meet up with you but at one condition. We're gonna see each other tonight around midnight near the library as we can't fully trust you and we don't know what you can have in your office»

Sandy read what she was writing and then sign the letter with our names and close it.
She gives me the letter and I take it.

«Go give it to him then return here...alive possibly»

Sandy says in a half playful tone but deep inside I know she's not really joking

«Well I can't return here for sure if I'm not alive»

I say going out of her room.
I don't know why but the hallways of the hotel seems a lot more quieter than usual, strangely there's no one around and all this silence it's kinda freaking me out. I can feel the sound of every step I make and for the first time I find something so normal very scary.

I arrive at the waiting room. I'm about to knock at the door but suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. Shivers run down my spine and for a moment I feel like my whole life has passed before me.
I slowly turn around, it's Nick.
His expression it's...normal? It's not too serious but not too soft at the same time but I can say he's the less scary of the four.

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