Chapter 7

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«You really think that I'm that stupid? As much as you can say you don't trust me I know that there's something you want to check in my office»

I can feel my legs frozen and my breath trembling. Of course he knows and even if in a way it was obvious it still freaked me out.

«Then why you agreed?» he smiles

«For the simple pleasure of humiliating you»

I had to bite my cheek for resisting the urge to yell at him. The situation is already dangerous and I don't have to make things worse. At this point maybe I'm supposed to go away but no, I need to resist.

«But don't worry, I'm not even that stupid to leave the office unguarded»

The whole situation is starting to get a bad way, it wasn't supposed to turn out this way

«I asked Nick to go and check before I went here»

As soon as I heard the name Nick I get a sensation of relief. Even if we're not totally sure what his intentions are we still have the certainty he wants to help us so in case he's gonna find Sandy in the office he's not gonna say anything.

«I really don't understand why you're so stubborn about this whole thing? Can't you see it? Can't you see how useless it is keep trying? You have zero possibilities and I'm sure you're already aware of that so let's stop all of this»

At this point I'm really supposed to stop the plan but I have to gain more time so I decide to do the only thing it looks useful at the moment.
Denying everything.

«You're clever, I know that, you're more clever than me and Sandy together but you're wrong about one thing. What you said is wrong and it's not true we're trying to find something in your office»

«So if what you're saying it's true, right now I can go to my office and there'll be no one there»

I couldn't say anything, I really start to get scared. If I'm gonna say yes he probably gonna go check but if I'm gonna say no he will know that I'm lying so I just stay silent.

«What's going on huh? Have you lost your words? Have you lost your train of thoughts? Oh poor creature»

«I haven't-»

«Just admit that I won this time too, admit that you've lost, admit that I'm smarter, admit that you will never find the truth»

His words hits like thousands of bricks. His tone is playful but serious as the same time. His words are sharpen and he has no scare of hurting you with them.
He is a total monster.

«I'm gonna tell you this in a way that even a kid would understand. You're stuck in this hotel forever. Do you know what the word "forever" means or do I have to explain it to you?»

I feel like I can't say anything as the fear take place in my body.

«Why are you scared? Are you scared that something will happen to you? To Sandy? Are you scared that I'm gonna kill you?»

The fact that he said that smiling is a clear sign that if he wanted to do it he would without any problem.

«I'm tired of this conversation, let's end this»

This took me off guard.
No no no.
This is not good, the conversation can not be over, not now. As he starts walking through his office I follow him, my head full of the horribly scenarios that could happen in a few seconds and none of them have a good ending. I try to stop him but he isn't listening to anything I'm saying. At this point the "let's end this" could have any kind of meaning.

As he opens the door, no one is there. This is surprising, for him and for me too. He starts looking around thinking that Sandy is hiding somewhere but no trace of her, this is a big relief. She's probably in her room now looking at the files she took.

He then looks at the computer to see the registration of the security cameras but nothing seem to be there too...

«Fuck...that bitch deleted the registration»

But seeing him so defeated make me smile.
I'm sorry Mr.Turner but this is one point for us not for you this time.

"You know sir, maybe you're right. We are not giving up. We don't care how hard it will be, how many obstacles we'll have to face but we're not giving up»

I can see by the expression on his face that he is pretty annoying. He was really hoping that we wanted to give up for real because he seems like he doesn't feel to check on us all the time.

I just walk out his office without saying anything else. I would like to say that I did it with pride but to be honest I was mostly scared that he would have done something to me.

I instantly go to Sandy's room but, to my surprise, no one is there.
Where is she?
I start to get worried something could have happened to there so I decide to go check around the hotel.

I walk around but it's pitch dark and I can barely see anything around me but I'm pretty sure that right now I'm in the main room since it looks like the room is pretty big.
I try to call her name but nothing, I can't even say it out loud because then I will wake up the others, but then I feel a hand grasping my arm and pushes me behind a pillar.
Thanks to my luck it's Sandy.

She covers my mouth with her hand and I can see her signing me to be quiet then she whispers to me:

«I found some files but Matt and Jamie found me and tried to catch me. I managed to hide but I'm very sure they're still searching for me»

I simply nods and then she takes my hand and starts moving slowly trying to stay careful about any sound.
But we forgot about one thing.
About the fact that Alex can look through the cameras and warn the others about our positions.

«Enough with this game, I'm tired of running»

Jamie's voice behind us make us freeze, but he isn't the only one to be here.

«Oh so there's the other one too, that's perfect»

In front of us Matt too... amazing.
And I'm sure that on the right there's Nick as I can see the figure of someone.
We're in trap, there's nothing we can do, and to complete the group Alex arrives too.
Now we have no ways to escape.

«I told you Selene... let's end this»

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