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"Lili? What are you doing here?"

A few hours had passed and Donatello was on the bridge, holding a bell.

"We're arriving, I was going to wake up your comrades, is everything okay?"

"Yes, sorry," the young girl replied. "I couldn't sleep."

"It's alright. Come."

He went back down to the hold with her, passing by each room while shaking the bell he held.

"We're arriving! Wake up, everyone!"

Gradually, the students woke up. Izãdo, Lulis, and Ree joined Lili in the hallway. She hurried to tell them about the albino.

"So his name is Alonzo?" Lulis exclaimed. "But why does he always appear near you?"

"Maybe it's a fairy thing," Ree suggested. "Maybe fairies have a guardian angel? Or maybe he was a friend of your grandmother's?"

"No," Lili replied. "I don't think so. He doesn't seem to be a fairy, let alone a fire fairy."

"It worries me," the prince admitted. "What if this person has ill intentions? Have you seen him before?"

"No, never. But... I don't know, I don't get the feeling that he wants to harm me."

"No one had that feeling about Amos."

"That's true, I'll be careful."

As the sun rose slowly, the passengers of the boat made their way to the deck.

The barrier opened to let the ship pass, then closed immediately behind. When it finally stopped, Donatello asked the first years to stay, and everyone else was able to disembark and join the great hall, where the other teachers were already waiting.

Just like last year, once the first years were in place, the headmistress announced a few rules, then invited everyone to help themselves to the buffet, which this time was filled with ideal breakfast dishes.

During this hearty meal, Viktor approached the table of the second years, and more specifically, the only student with a white cape, handing her a piece of paper.

"Here, Lili," the nurse said. "Since you need some extra lessons to handle your fairy magic, you have a slightly different schedule.

"Oh, really?"

"Don't worry, you just have Sunday mornings, while your classmates have free time. Do you know where the mentalism room is?"


"I could show her," Charity interjected.

"Good," the vampire declared. "I'll go back to the infirmary before the sun is completely up. Welcome back, young ones."

He gave them a friendly wave as he left the room.

Since this first day was a Sunday, the students were allowed to wander around the school. Many first years asked their older classmates to show them around, and Lili noticed that the young Utka seemed to be trying to convince one of them.

"No one will harm you here, you know," the young minister's son reassured him. "Come on, we need to know the school well."

"Any problem?" Izãdo broke in as he approached.

The young Utka's comrade immediately hid behind the half-nymph. Lili could still see him though. He was even smaller than his friend, with thick curly blond hair, almost white. His clear blue eyes made him look like he was always on the verge of tears, and small gemstones sparkled on his bare shoulders.

"A kaster?" Ree remarked.

"He's half-kaster," Utka replied. "His mother always hid him at home until now, to prevent dishonest people from exploiting him. She's a non-witch. He told me on the boat, and now he doesn't trust anyone."

"That's understandable," Lili added. "But he has nothing to fear from us."

"What's your name?" Ree asked the half-kaster.

After a long silent hesitation, the young boy moved away from his friend, without looking at his older classmates, his head down.

"It's Auruo," he murmured.

"That's a nice name," Lili agreed. "If you have a problem, come see us, don't hesitate."

Auruo allowed himself to raise his head towards Lili, giving a shy smile before finally speaking up:

"Your eyes, they're not the same color, is that normal?"

"Yes, I was born like this. Do you two want to visit the school?"

"I'll let you do it," Izãdo said. "I have some things to start."

The prince moved away from the small group, while Lili, Ree, and Lulis took charge of showing the two first-year students around the school, from the dormitories to the kitchens, ending with the courtyard and the farm, where they greeted Kareth.

"Oh, but you're the one who raised their hand earlier!" the young farmer exclaimed, addressing Auruo.

"Yes," the half-kaster replied in a small voice. "I really like animals..."

"We'll see tonight about assigning tasks, but you'll see, you'll enjoy it. Are you coming back with us, Lili?"

"Yes," the young girl replied with a smile. "I'm not afraid with the bubak's cape. But Izãdo wanted to continue."

"Nothing's stopping him, he can come. The more, the merrier, the faster the work gets done."

The day continued like this. At the end of their tour, Utka and Auruo warmly thanked their older classmates before heading towards the great hall.

"I wonder where Izãdo is," Ree remarked. "We haven't seen him all day."

By mutual agreement, they began to search for him in the school. It was only after a long time that they found him in the school library. The prince closed his book and put it away as soon as he saw them.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't realize how much time had passed."

"What are you studying that you forget about us like that?" Ree asked teasingly.

"That's none of your business."

The blonde made a displeased face as they settled in the courtyard.

The calm and soothing atmosphere of the evening on the island was shattered by a terrible growl. In front of the frightened eyes of the students present in the courtyard, an immense monster emerged from the water, several meters from the shore, before plunging heavily back in.

The school of Bermuda - Volume 2 - The Sea MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now