XII - Christmas Time (Is Here Again)

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Saturday 16th December 1972
Liverpool, England

Saturday came round quickly. I'd finished breakfast and was just pulling a patterned Christmas jumper over my head when I remembered I was meant to be helping John with his Christmas decorations today.

I hurried down the stairs, putting on a pair of shoes. I'd never specified what time I'd meet him, but it'd probably be better to arrive earlier than later so we'd have more time.

As I reached the crossroad which led up to John's hill, I saw someone walking down it in the distance.


No one else ever walked up the hill. Maybe it was just a curious passer-by?

However, as the figure neared, it made a lot more sense. It was John. I wasn't sure why he was walking down when I was meant to be coming to his.

"Oh, 'ello ______. I was just walking over to yers. Didn't realise you'd be on the way already."

"Why would ye walk to mine? Ye knew I was coming to yers anyway?"

He casually wrapped an arm round my shoulder, pulling me to his side as he guided me up the hill.

"Can I not walk with ye? D'ya not want to be seen with me? Is that it?" He joked, fake sniffling.

"Yeah, actually that is it. What would people think if they saw me with you?" I playfully quipped. At that, he burst into full-blown pretend sobbing.

"So, John. What Christmas decorations do you have? Besides your tree."

He ceased his crying, words stalling as he thought. He was probably ready to go off on one of his talks, lost in thought as he rambled on. I didn't mind though. In fact, I quite enjoyed it. Listening to his voice was always quite soothing, and if he loved talking about it, then I loved listening to him.

"Well... honestly, quite a lot. Most are ones we've had for years that I remember putting up when I was young. Got some lights which go round the front roof of the house, and some for the deck out back. Then another set for the coach house, and some more nice dangly ones for the bushes and trees in the garden and out front. That's all for outside."

Dear lord, that would take a while. And that was only outside. What had I signed myself up for...

"Then inside... well the tree obviously. And then just some other little bits and bobs too. A few indoor lights, then those typical Christmassy fake plant things with the berries and whatnot, y'know the ones. Oh, and a wreath 'course, that goes on the door."

He must've noticed my expression as he turned to reassure me. "Don't worry, if we don't get them all put up today, I'll just do it tomorrow, or get the lads to do it when they come up."



We started with the tree as it had begun raining outside. Not too heavy, but nothing that would be pleasant to be in. Hopefully it would clear up later.

He'd gotten a real tree, it was huge. My family weren't bothered about getting a real tree, we used the same reusable one each year.

It was quite nice to decorate a tree that wasn't the one at home. Although I enjoyed it, it was also very stressful with both my siblings doing it too, arguing what bauble goes where and which way to wrap the tinsel round.

"Right, ______. Y'know me mates are comin' for Crimble, and they're staying for the whole week, yeah?"

I nodded.

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