XLV - I'll Be Back

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Thursday 12th July 1973
Liverpool, England

John was playing with the cats in the next room, and I could hear him cooing playfully at them. He had another therapy session this evening, and he appeared to be in a pretty good headspace for it.

I had just gotten up to head upstairs when there was a knock at the door. Frowning, as I hadn't expected anyone, I headed over to open the door, slightly confused.

The shock I got when I opened the door and found George and Pattie standing there was the most immense I had felt in a... very long time.

"Oh! Goodness, hey guys! We... were not expectin' ye both, but it's great to see ye."

"Sorry," George drawled, hand in Pattie's, "we were just in the area 'cause we were visiting me parents since I'm in good ol' Blighty again. Sorry if we're intrudin' or anything."

"No, no. Not at all." I flashed them both a quick smile. "John was just... playing with the cats. 'Fraid I can't offer ye any lunch though, unless ye want leftovers, 'cause we've already eaten. Got tea though, 'course."

"That's quite alright," Pattie spoke softly, eyes lighting up as they met mine, "tea would be grand, wouldn't it George?" Her husband nodded in response.

I smiled and pushed the door open a little wider. "Well? Come in then?" They both stepped over the threshold and I called out for John. "John! We've got visitors! Stop faffing about with Minor and come say hello."

I led them through to the morning room (even though it wasn't morning; John often preferred to reside in there) and it seemed as if he had not heard me earlier as he immediately shot to his feet, hair slightly mussed from where he was laying on the ground, lopsided and slightly confused smile on his face.

"Georgie boy," he cooed in a similar excited tone that was used on the cats. "What are you doing here? And greetings, Pattie, it is so wonderful to see you."

"Y'know," George replied, vowels stretching with Scouse, "just visiting me old folks. Thought we'd pop in."

"Well?" John asked hands on his hips. "Sit down then. George, ye can go over there while the adults discuss," he jested, pointing towards the corner of the room.

George only scoffed and plonked himself down beside Pattie on the settee, while John and I took the other. It oddly mirrored our time at Friar Park. There was the usual catching up, asking how George's parents were, how Pattie's been finding her modelling, how George's races have gone so far, whether they're all doing alright.

Pattie told us all about her most recent photoshoot, and I told her all about how I'd been using the camera George gave me for photographing him. I actually rather enjoyed photography now I'd had the opportunity to become exposed to it, and it was quite a nice hobby. Lots of memories to keep, and a lot of pictures of John.

Our little small talk session lasted for a good half hour, cycling through different topics, John cracking jokes in both appropriate and inappropriate places. It seemed George had something to say, as he kept shifting his position on the sofa as if he was calculating the best moment to speak up.

Eventually, it appeared that he had found the best moment because he started, "Well," turning his head to look between John and I, "not sure if ye guys know, but the British Grand Prix's happening in a couple days. Saturday. Might be a bit short notice, but I was thinking 'bout inviting ye both. I'd love to see ye guys there. Plus, I was thinkin' ye could take some pictures, ______."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked. "Where is it?"

When I turned to face John, his expression was quite unreadable.

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