Chapter I

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Chapter 1: Welcome to Colorado

We stand in the airport full of people. There is a big sign in the central that says Welcome to Colorado. Jackie sigh "Uncle Richard is calling" she grabs the phone from her pocket and answer.

"Hey guys, was the flight okay?" He has a worried voice as he speaks.

"Yep" Jackie looks at me.

"Fine" i nod trying to hold all the baggage we have to drag along with us.

"Thats great girls, sorry i wasn't able to follow you to Colorado" Richard felt bad for us, you could see it in him.

"This place is cool" i say trying to seem suprised. Even though there were mountains and the earth wasn't flat like in new york.

"It really isn't" you could tell that Jackie isn't recovering just well and i understood. But i wanted to start fresh. Not known as the girl who lost her sister and parents in a car crash. Yes i loved them dearly and everytime i think about it, it almost makes me cry.

"Think positive" i pat her back and i walk forward to spot George and Kathrine walk towards us.

"Hi girls, are you doing okay" she says with a worried pitch in her voice and looks at us and smiles. We both nod.

"Hi george, hey kathrine" i say looking at both of them i honor.

"Hello Naomi, And Hello Jackie" George says friendly. He is actually a really nice father.
A quiet "hi" come from Jackie and i smile at her.

"Come on girls this way" Kathrine says and grab some of our stuff as we follow her to the entrance.


Their house is huge. They even have a pool. Well makes sense since they have like 500 kids. Okay exaggerated 10 kids. Plus us now.

I walk a little slower than Jackie as we walk up to the porch. Kathrine is talking to someone on the phone and a brunette boy drives quickly by on his skateboard as Jackie quickly walks backwards. I try not to laugh at her. It was pretty funny.

There is also a elder boy chilling in the couch on the porch. "Hey, Danny" he points at himself and smiles.

"Naomi" i say as Jackie says her name.

We go inside. Also massive inside.
"Woah! Benny stop running!" George yell as the little boy turns around angry and say "i'm not running!" Even though he clearly was

We come to the living room after hearing video games playing in the background.

"Hey guys, this is Alex and Isaac. this is Jackie and Naomi say hi" George says and they both turn their heads. Alex who is the brunnette guy with pale skin and freckles stand up. "What's up" the other guy says and gives a quick glance at me and turn back to his video games. That was Isaac. The Cousin.

Alex let out his hand for a handshake and we both take it. He's glancing more at Jackie. Don't ask me why i noticed that.

So much was going on. Kathrine hand us something to drink and we both smile and thank her. This was going to be pretty weird. Living with so many boys.

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