Chapter:01 One

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                       ~Watermelon ~


One day speaking my mind will be the death of me.

I stood still not knowing what to do as my parents fought about what to do with me, after i said my aunt looked like she swallowed a watermelon, It was not intentional.

"We can't keep brushing it off everytime she says something stupid to someone. My sister won't talk to me anymore." My father said to my mother.

My mother looked at me then back at my  father. "How about we send her to my mother's house for the Summer." My mother suggested and I continued to look back and forth between my mother and father.

"Maybe then she will learn how to speak to people properly, If we take away her summer plans." My father said.

"I can't help it and it's never on purpose." I began and my father glared at me  before going back to talking to my mom.

I sighed as I turned around and made my way upstairs to my room. I opened the door getting in then laying on my bed then picked up my phone from my bed side table.

I turned it on then began texting my  friends Ammy and Delilah.

                          ~the girls ~

Hi guys

Ammy:Hiya. So we still on about going on a girls trip to Italy this summer?

Delilah :We are going to have so much fun this summer.

I heard a knock on the door before the door opened and my mother stood by the door.

"Lyla dear, pack your bags you are going to spend the summer at your grandmother's house." She said before closing the door behind her.

Apparently not. Change of plans my parents are sending me to my grandmother's house this summer.

Ammy:Oh, See you when Summer is over. Maybe you will like it there.

Delilah:That's too bad.



I looked out the window and there were endless tall trees and it looked like we were in the middle of nowhere.

My grandmother's house was five hours away from the city. We had just drove out of the city two hours ago and had three more to go.

My grandmother lives in a small town called Seaside Bay . I have never been there neither have  I ever met my grandmother.

I am very excited to meet her. My mother always talks about home and her mother.

My mother left home with my father, who was visiting a friend at seaside Bay at the time and they had fallen in love. After she fell pregnant with me they moved to the city where my father lived. Thats what my mom told when I asked her how she met my father.

I rested my head on the window then began slowly falling asleep until I had completely fell asleep.


We had still not yet arrived as I woke up. I looked out the window and we were no longer in the middle of nowhere.

We passed a sign that read 'Welcome to Seaside Bay' In large letters. The town was beautiful and I could see many happy people walking about in the town.

We passed a fruit market and i looked at all the fruits being sold. We passed docks where many people were either fishing or taking pictures.

We passed town square and there were many decorations up which were being taken down and there was a bit of a mess which was being cleaned by many people.

Then we finally entered the neighborhood, passing many houses which had the same exterior.

Until we finally stopped infront of a house which looked different from the rest. It was painted with bright flowers and shapes on the outside and had many flowers in the garden.


"We have arrived." My mother said turning around to look at me. We all walked out of the car then I took out my bag from the trunk.

"I have not been here in Sixteen years and nothing has changed." My mother had a slight smile on her face.

I smiled as I watched how happy she had become. She doesn't smile as much as she used to anymore.

After she said that a lady I'm guessing is my grandmother walked out of the house.

She had the same blonde her as my mother and I, but hers was slightly greying, she had brown eyes and she was clad in clothes which looked like they were hand made they had rainbows and flowers sewed onto the dress she wore. She also wore two different colored shoes and socks. She also had a bit of paint on her face and clothes.

She looks like an art teacher.

"E-Emilia, my child!" She ran up to my mother than hugged her tightly not looking like she wanted to let go. My mother hugged her back. "Mama, I missed you."

"I miss you too, Sunflower. Oh how I miss you my child." She had tears of joy in her eyes. They let go of each other and my grandma held my mother's cheeks.

" I'm sorry mom. You know for leaving."My mother said and my grandma gave my father the most deadliest glare ever.

I don't think she likes him much, or at all.

" It's okay, my child. "My grandma said while continuing to glare at my father who looked unfazed.

My grandmother turned to me then hugged me catching me of guard.

"You look like an art teacher." I blurted out and she let go of me and she laughed.

"I actually used to be one before I retired." She said.

"It lovely to finally meet you my dear, Lyla. Your mother talks a lot about you on call." She continued and I smiled.

I have never talked to my grandma even on call.

"Emilia we have to go, now.We have a meeting to get to, and now we are going to be late, because you wanted to bring her here when she could have took a damn Uber. " My father began sounding annoyed, his arms crossed. My mother looked at him then at my grandma.

My father was definitely not the nicest person I know. Especially to me, but I have my mother, so who cares.

My grandma looked like she wanted to slap my father.

"I promise I will start visiting home." My mother said to my grandmother then hugged her one last time. She broke the hug then turned to me and kissed me on my forehead.

"I know this is not the Summer you had planned. But I know you will love it here. I love you honey and don't get into anymore trouble by saying things to people." She said to me before getting in to the car.

My father did not even say goodbye or even look me in the eye. I watched the car drive away  until it was no longer in sight.

My father never showed me any affection growing up. I don't even think he has ever hugged me, but oh well. My mother showed me enough affection for the both of them.

" My Sunflower we are going to have so much fun and you will love the people here and the town." My grandma smiled at me.


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