Chapter :11 Eleven

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  ~Park near the beach ~


"That painting is very beautiful." I complimented the painting my grandma had been painting since six am.

It has become normal for both my grandma and I to wake up at five am, because of the Sun. And we always came downstairs after getting ready and sit in the living room, painting or watching the TV.

It was currently seven am and we had been in here for one hour.

"Really? I don't know the longer I look at it the more I hate it." She emphasized on 'hate'

"No, it really is very nic-" I was cut short by Sunny running into the living room and jumping onto the couch then sitting on my lap.

"Goodmorning Sunny." I stroked his back.

"It's time for your morning walk, boy." I said to him then got up from the couch with Sunny in my arms.

I walked out of the living room then made my way to the kitchen to get Sunny's leash.

I put him down then got his leash then put it on him.

We walked out of the kitchen." Bye grandma! "I called out to her.

" Goodbye sunflower. "

We walked out of the front door closing it behind me.

Sunny, just like any other day we took our walks was very energetic.

He began running causing me to run as well.

Sunny and I always walked to the same place. We would walked to the beach then stop at a park near the beach before going back home.

I greeted many people as we walked. These walks were helping me know more people.

Everytime on our walks Sunny and I would stop at the pet store and get him a treat, and that part of the walk was definitely his favorite.

We reached the pet store and walked in. The pet store was owned by the Anderson family.

Mrs Anderson was the one who ran the shop, because Mr Anderson was always busy probably fixing something, for he was one of the only technicians in town. They had a lot of children, about fifteen all under the age of thirteen.

I respect them for that, fifteen!

We walked into the pet store and Mrs Anderson looked happy to see us.

"Goodday Lyla... and Sunny." She smiled. She looked exhausted.

"Goodmorning Mrs Anderson." I  greeted her.

"The usual?" She asked while looking at Sunny a smile on her face. I nod then she turned around and made her way to the pet food section.

She walked back to me with a small bag of dog treats, with about five inside. She handed the bag to me a smile on her face, and I payed.

I waved her goodbye and she waved me back before I walked out of the shop.

Sunny became inpatient for his treat as I opened the bag then took one out and gave it to him before we continued walking, more like running.

I have become more connected to the town, day by day. I love Seaside Bay so much and everyone here is like one big family. And the town is the most beautiful place I have ever been to.

I have only been here for one month but I feel like I grew up here. Sometimes I wonder how life would have been like if I had grown up here.

Sunny stops running causing me to also stop. We had reached the park.

I looked at the park and my eyes found Hayden sitting on a swing while looking towards the ocean.

I got excited as I began walking to him.

I sat down on the swing next to him and he looked at me and I smiled causing him to slightly smile.

Sunny began trying to run after he saw other dogs and I removed the leash of him and he ran towards the other dogs

"Hey Belleza." He greeted me and I could not help but smile.

"Hey heart." I greeted him back while trying not to laugh as he looked at me with a questioning look.

"Heart?" He questioned.

"Nicknames are fun to give to people, especially close friends." I began then pointed at the birthmark on his cheek. "Heart."

He laughed causing me to smile. "I'm a close friend to you?" He asked hope in his voice.

"Yes of course, duh. Do you want to know about the time I almost got bitten by a snake?" I questioned and he raised an eyebrow and did not get a chance to answer me when I began.

"When I was ten I went to my neighbors house to play with my friend. My neighbor used to work with snakes after hours of playing I went to the bathroom and was met with a very scary looking snake th-" I stopped talking when I realized that I was probably talking too much and that Hayden was probably getting annoyed.

" I'm sorry. "I began and he gave me a questioning look.

" For what? "He asked.

" For talking too much, you are probably bored. "I said and he laughed.

" I like it when you talk to me. Everyday I always want to hear you talk to me and I would even listen to you talk about all the dreams you have ever had. "He supprised me and my heart also did a flip.

I looked at him and he was smiling at me.

" I love being around you and I am glad Hazel met you and introduced you to me. "He added and I smiled.

" If only-"He did not finish instead he looked away from me and looked at the ocean.

If only what?

The park overlooked the beach especially were we were sitting.

We sat in silence as we both looked at the ocean.

I looked at him." So. Do you want to hear about my dream last night? It was very weird." I broke the silence and he laughed causing me to begin.

"So, there was a rats invasion at a city and anyone who got bitten by a rat turned into a rat as well and -" I cut myself short, at the thought dream. I scrunched my nose in discust as I remembered the dream in detail.

I continued to tell him the dream as he listened while he looked at me a smile on his face .

" The dream even said come back for the second part at the end, and I was like how." I continued then a realization came to mind.

"Oh!" I face palmed myself. "It wasn't a dream, it was a movie I was watching on a weird movie app, last night."

Hayden laughed after I said that then a smile stayed on his face.

"When I tell you that movie was weird, I am not lying. I plan on watching another weird movie tonight, they are fun to watch and criticize." I added.

We both looked back at the ocean and thought filled my head.

Hayden was nice to be around. I loved being around him and everytime I saw him I would get excited, at the thought of talking to him, and I don't know why.

I have only known him for a month but I care so much about him and I also feel like I have known him forever and everytime we talk I am always happy.

He is always on my mind and I don't know why, I don't know why I smile at the thought of him and at two am I would always just randomly get the thought to call him and I don't even have his phone number.

I looked at Hayden who kept his eyes at the ocean and I smiled.

"Can I have your phone number?" I blurted out and he looked at me then took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to me.

I took it then began putting in my phone number into his phone and gave it to him to save it.

I received a text from his number that read 'unknown' so I saved him as 'Heart'.

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