Chapter :07 Seven

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~Cookies and Cream~


I slowly opened my eyes to find myself sitting in the car the door opened and Hayden standing by the door. Hazel was sat on her seat and so were the twins and Rylan.

They all looked at me. I looked down at my foot and the redness was still there but had become lighter and the pain had lessened.

"Don't worry it was not a harmful jellyfish." Hayden began.

"I'm so happy you are alright." Hazel said and I looked at her then smiled.

"Can I ask, How long have I been out for?" I asked.

"About five hours." Rylan answered and I gasped.

"Five hours?!"I could not believe it.

" I'm just kidding. It was only fifteen minutes. "He said and i let out a sigh of relief.

" I think that's enough of the beach for the day. Let's go get ice cream I can't bare this heat. "Hazel said.

Hayden closed the door then walked to the drivers side, getting in then starting the car then drove out of the beach parking area.

I continued to look at the spot the jellyfish stung me every few minutes.

The car came to a halt and I opened the door then walked out of the car followed by the twins. Hazel walked out from her door.

Hayden and Rylan also walked out. We all walked towards the ice cream shop. We walked in.

At Robs ice cream shop you pay for the cup size you want then you can go around the shop putting and decorating the ice cream to your liking.

We all payed for our ice cream cup then began choosing our ice creams and toppings.

I loved cookies and cream ice cream, it was my favorite. I got cookies and cream ice cream with extra oreos.

Once we had all gotten our ice creams we walked out side to sit on the tables outside. Hayden stayed inside as he was talking to someone.

The tables outside sat two people each so we sat on three tables which were next to each other.

Hazel was sat with Rylan. Cori was sat with Cora. I sat down on the third table then a while later Hayden who had still been inside walked outside to us then sat on the chair across me.

I was dying to start talking to him but I ate my ice cream so I don't just randomly say something to him that after only three minutes I had finished my ice cream.

I looked at him as he looked at me waiting for my next move.

"I feel like I can talk about how pretty your eyes are and never get tired. I mean they really are." I finally spoke and he laughed. "They really are." I continued.

"Every time I see you I will have to look forward to random compliments." He said and I smiled.

"I accidentally said my aunt looked like she swallowed a watermelon." I said out of no where causing Hayden to laugh.

"Why?" He questioned and I shrugged, "It just came out. Don't get me wrong I did not know she was pregnant and growing up I used to be obsessed with those dumb ads that would say if you swallow a watermelon seed a watermelon would grow in your stomach and at that moment she looked like the girl in one of those ads. "I said in one breath.

"You really are an interesting girl, Belleza." He said.

Hayden and I turned to everyone else because they had been really quiet and they had all fallen asleep.

We both laughed. "How does that even happen?" I questioned.

"That's them for you. Happens everytime we come here." He said.

"You guys all seem very close. How long have you known each other?" I asked him and he looked at them then at me.

"I have known Rylan since we were born. Our mothers were very close. I met the twins in the first grade they used to creep me out, they chased me around with a snake on the first day of school, I still don't know where or how they got it. And Hazel I met her in Junior year of high school when she first began dating Rylan, last year." He said and I smiled.

"And I met you two weeks ago." He continued, causing me to look at him. "You are our friend too." He smiled and I smiled.

I looked at his birthmark I can't get over how cute it is. He must have saw me look because he said, "Everyone in my family seems to have the same birthmark but at different areas." He said causing me to meet his eyes.

"That's cool and probably very pretty on all of them, as it is on you."

"Another compliment." He smiled. "If I were to get money everytime you complimented me I would be rich." He continued.

"And we would split the money because without my compliments you would not be getting money." I said and he laughed.

We ended up staying at the ice cream shop until the sun began to set.

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