Chapter :04 Four

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~first gold Medal~


My grandma and I had just finished decorating my room and packing my clothes in the closet.

I loved the way it turned out. There were some of my poems and grandma's paintings on my wall and the color scheme was now sage green and white. It took us hours to complete.

"How was your day with Hazel?" She asked me as we walked out of my room.

"It was nice and I met many people today." I answered with a smile.

We walked downstairs then walked to the living before both sitting down on the couch.

"I wanted to show you a video of your mother, when she won her first gold medal for swimming, when she was thirteen." My grandma turned on the TV then began playing a video from twenty two years ago, which for an old video it had amazing quality.

We sat in silence as we watched the swimming competition. I smiled as i watched the video, missing my mom.

When it ended my grandma began showing me more videos of my mother when she was younger.

"You look so much like your mother when she was your age. She had so many dreams and always wanted to have a daughter one day. " She smiled at me.

"What exactly happened to cause my mother to leave home and move to the city with my father?" I asked my grandma and she sighed.

"Well, when your mother was nineteen she met your father, who had been visiting a friend here. She began to rebel and did not want to listen to me, saying she loved him and I knew he was not good for her. I never liked your father. He would just come and take your mother and she would not come home for days, until one day when he came to take her she never came back and I tried contacting her for two weeks until she finally picked up and told me she had left Seaside Bay with your father and that she was pregnant. I would cry every single day hoping she would come back, but she never did and also stopped communicating with me, until a few years back when she apologized for everything and she also told me that your father had cheated on her, I had always knew your father was not a good person from the moment I met him. "My grandma told me everything, a sad expression now on her face. She got up then walked out of the living room.

When I was thirteen my parents split up for a year, because my father cheated on my mom. They then got back together after a year. My mother used to cry every single day for a year, and it would break my heart. They ended up getting back together because my mother wanted me to have my father always around and is trying to fix their relationship for me but him not so much.

I did not realize that I had tears in my eyes until tears fell down my cheeks. I used the heel of my hand to wipe them away.

My phone began ringing and i picked it up and it was my mother. A smile came onto my face as i answered it.

"Hello, my dear." She greeted me.

"Hi mom." I smiled as I greeted her back.

"I miss you so much. The house is so quite without you and your father is also never really home." She added. "Anyway, how are you doing?"

"Im great, and I hope you are too."

"I'm great my child. How are you liking Seaside Bay so far?"

"It's lovely here and I love grandma and the town as well. I also made a friend, and mom how come you never told me you used to swim?"

"It was not really an important topic." She laughed causing me to smile. "Anyway I will call you again tomorrow. Goodbye, my dear."

"Good bye mom." We ended the call

I got up from the couch then made my way upstairs and opened my room then walked in closing the door behind me.

I walked up to my bed then sat down turning on my phone then texting my friends Ammy and Delilah .

~The girls~

Hi guys

Delilah :Hi.


How are you guys loving Italy?

Ammy:It's great but we wish you were here. It's just not the same without you.

Delilah :It does not feel like you aren't here, actually.


There is still next summer guys

Ammy:Yeah. Anyway about you. How are you enjoying Your grans house?

It's actually quite great here.

Delilah:Ammy we have to go.

Ammy:That's wonderful. Anyway got to go. Bye love you.


Bye, love you too.

I got up from my bed then made my way to my desk then sat down, opening my notebook. I began writing a few of my thoughts then writing a short poem about dogs.

After about thirty minutes of writing I got up from my desk then walked out of my room.

I could hear my grandma cooking in the kitchen as I made my way down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down on one of the bar stools and my grandma handed me a plate of food.

"Tommorow we will go shopping in town square. And spend quality time together, wouldn't that be lovely." My grandma said and I nod.

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