Chapter :10 Ten

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I sat on the beach far away from the movie set up while waiting for the projector to be fixed.

I had been writing a poem about stars.

I rushed my hand through the sand then looked up at the sky and smiled. The sounds of the sea crashing on rocks and the peaceful night brought peace to me.

"Mind if I sit here?" I looked up to see Hayden standing there.

"Not at all." I smiled at him before looking back at the stars.

He sat down next to me then also looked up. We sat in silence as we just sat there looking up at the stars.

I looked at him to find him looking at me. I looked away.

"The Stars are so beautiful, don't you think? " I smiled while looking up.

"They are very beautiful. Just like you." Hayden said and I looked at him.

"Mmh, interesting a compliment from you." I smiled then looked back at the stars.

"It is not just a compliment it's a fact." He said and I looked at him and my heart skipped an actual beat. I continued to look at him then he looked at me then used his thumb to brush of something of my cheek.

"How did you get sand on your cheek?"He questioned and I shrugged as my heart beat at a fast pace.

He got up then smiled at me before walking away.

I continued to smile before realizing I was smiling then stopped.

" Lyla, my most favorite customer. How are you." Noah walked up to me while carrying a backpack, a while after Hayden left.

He did not let me reply before continuing,"So. As you wait for the projector to be fixed would you like to buy a bag of candy for five dollars?"

I looked at him then laughed, before realizing what he had just said. "Wait, since when was it five dollars? I just bought one an hour ago for two dollars. "

"I mean with how much they are running out the price has to go up. Only six remain and let me remind you, it's the best candy you will ever have."

"I still have a bag full of candy."I said.

" The two dollar bag is not as good as the five dollar one, trust me. "He said.

" Is it not the same bag? "

" Still better. "

" I guess I will have enough candy to last me until next week. "I sighed as I took out five dollars then gave it to Noah who took out a bag of candy from his backpack.

I wanted to support him.


After two hours the projector was finally  fixed and everyone went back to their assigned seats. It was seven thirty pm.

The first movie began playing and everyones attention was on the movie.

The movie was two hours long and when it ended the second one immediately began.

I looked at Noah who had been trying to sell Hazel and Rylam, who were sitting next to him a bag of candy for now fifteen dollars.

Fifteen dollars for candy is the wildest thing I have ever heard.

I looked at Hayden who had been looking at me. "Hayden." I began. "This movie sucks." I whispered and he lowly laughed.

"It really does." He continued to laugh.

I loved his Melodic laugh.

"How is he doing that?" I questioned while whispering, referring to the dude in the movie.

"Is that even humanly possible?" Hayden added onto my question, while also whispering.

"I'm pretty sure the dudes an alien, I mean it was mentioned in the movie." Nina whispered causing me to scream out of shock, cause she had scared me and Hayden to laugh.

"Sorry everyone." I apologized to everyone for screaming.

Nina was now seating behind us when she was previously two rows back. She focused her attention back on the movie while eating popcorn.

"Can you believe this dude, he is so funny... Yeah, no I am lying, this movie sucks." Nina said as she got up then walked away from the movie set up and Noah followed her.

The movie was so boring and to add on top of the boringness it was four hours long. No movie is supposed to be four hours long.

Hayden and I continued to whisper to each other and ended up talking throughout the whole second and third movie. We both fell asleep on the fourth movie at around three am.

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