Chapter:03 Three

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                   ~Square birthmark~


Here at Seaside Bay the sun seems to rise at five am in the morning. Being woken up by the sun at five am in the morning was not one of my plans this morning.

I had just finished showering after I was forced to wake up at five am in the morning. I walked out of the bathroom while wearing a bathroom gown then made my way to my bedroom walking in and closing the door behind me. I checked the time on my bedside table clock and it read '6:03 am'.

I sighed as i walked up to my bag which I had not yet unpacked to choose what I was going to wear.

I took out a pair of light brown sweat shorts and a matching light brown tank top then took twenty minutes to fully get dressed.

I tied my hair into a ponytail before walking out of the room my phone in my hand.

I made my way downstairs and I could hear my grandma cooking in the kitchen. I made my way into the kitchen and was greeted by a happy Sunny who began running around me. I smiled picking him up.

He loved doing that.

"Good morning Sunflower." She greeted me as she looked at me a smile on her face. "Good morning grandma."

I sat down on one of the bar stools and grandma handed me a plate of food.

"One of the local breakfasts." She smiled. The plate consisted of  Mango slices on sweet bread with sugar on top.

I picked up the bread then took a bite and it was one of the most delicious thing I have ever eaten.

"The two groups of food which are in many dishes is seafood and fruits here in Seaside Bay." My grandma said as I ate.

"I can help you decorate your room later after you come back home." She continued as she began washing the dishes.

I finished eating, then helped her wash the dishes.

Once we had finished the front door opened before closing and Hazel walked into the kitchen.

Hazel had an interesting clothing style just like my grandma . She was wearing a dress which was half pink half yellow and had flowers on the yellow side and Stripes on the pink side.

"Good morning Miss Diana and Lyla." She greeted us and we greeted her back.

"I kept my promise to show you around the town. I am so excited." She squealed as she walked up to me and took my hand.

I had almost forgot about that.

"Bye Miss Diana." She said as we walked out of the kitchen then out of the house.

"I like your dress." I complimented her.

"Thank you. I made it myself." She thanked me as we walked down the neighborhood towards town square.

"Here in Seaside Bay there are about four hundred and ten people, I think. It's lovely here and we are all a happy community and everyone is nice and friendly." She had a smile on her face as we walked down the neighborhood.

"Where do you live?" She asked me.

"The nearest city from Seaside Bay. It's five hours away." I answered.

"How is it like living in the city?"

"The complete opposite to a small town. A bunch of people. Many probably  unfriendly, I guess." I answered.

"Good morning Hazel." A lady greeted her.

"Good morning Mrs Miller." She greeted the lady back.

"That's Mrs Miller she is the principal at the high school." Hazel imformed me.

"Hi Hazel." A group of girls who looked to be between the ages of ten and fifteen greeted her.

"Hi girls." She greeted them back.

"That's the dance girls. They represent the town in dance competitions against other towns."

I used to dance when I was younger. It was a fun experience.

More people greeted her as we walked to town square and she told me who each of them where.

We finally reached town square and it no longer had the decorations and was clean.

" That's Mai's diner. They sell all the towns local cuisines and dishes there. And Mai's diner has branches at many places around the world." Hazel pointed at a diner.

"That's Robs ice cream shop. Rob sells the best Ice cream in town."

"That's the towns Library-" She was cut short by a boy. He had medium length black full hair, and the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen. He had a small heart shaped birth mark on his right cheek, which was very cute and he was quite tall as he stood infront of Hazel and I. He was very handsome.

"Hi Hazel." He greeted her then waved to me then looked at me before looking away. He has a very nice voice.

Two other boys and one girl walked up to us and stood next to the boy.

The girl and one of the boys looked alike, they had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Then one of the boys had messy brown hair that looked amazing and Grey eyes.

"Hi Haze." The girl greeted her and the blonde boy waved to her.

"Hey love." The brunette stood in front of her then gave her a peck.

"What's with the British accent?" She asked while giggling. "It was on my mind,  yesterday I spent the whole night watching British shows."

"Guys this is Lyla, Miss Diana's granddaughter. Lyla these are my friends, Hayden, Rylan, Cori and Cora." She introduced us to each other.

"You seem interesting, what is the most random shit you have ever done? " Rylan, the brunette asked me, catching me of guard.

"Uh, I'm not quite sure, because it's a lot. I guess accidentally close myself in the trunk, when I was eleven. I don't know how that even happened ." I answered him and a slight smile grew on his face.

"You are cool, I like you." He said.

"Rylan why do you always ask everyone you meet that same question?" Hazel asked him and he shrugged.

"It's a valid question, love." He answered turning away from me and standing in front of Hazel.

"Hayden Reed, nice to meet you Lyla." Hayden introduced himself even though Hazel already did. He looked into my eyes and I did not break the eye contact.

"Lyla Taylor, nice to meet you too  Hayden." I greeted him the same way he greeted me while still maintaining eye contact.

"Hi Lyla." Cora and Cori greeted me causing me to look away from Hayden.

A smile formed on Cora's face. "Yes, another girl in the group."

I could not stop looking at the first boy, Hayden. His birth mark was so beautiful.

"Ry, I don't think keeping Mr Anderson waiting after he called us thirty minutes ago, to help him is a great idea." Hayden said.

"Bye, love we have to go help out Mr Anderson with something, see you later." I looked at Rylan and Hazel who let go of each other.

Rylan, Hayden and Cori waved us goodbye before walking away.

"I have got to stop being single. I have been single forever." Cora began.

" On the other hand being single is fun." She continued. "I will see you guys later, I got to go." Cora said before walking towards a group of kids.

"Fifty years ago the town was first founded. Many of our families moved here and since then have been living in peace here together, since." Hazel began.

"Let's go buy some fruits." Hazel said as she held my hand and began pulling me towards the fruit market.

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