Chapter:06 Six

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~Jellyfish ~


I was helping my grandma clean up after breakfast when we heard the front door open then close and we both knew it was Hazel. Hazel came everyday the whole week.

She walked into the kitchen in her usual happy self. "Good morning." She smiled at us and we greeted her back.

"Lyla, we are going to the beach do you wanna come?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"Sure."I answered.

Her smile grew as she walked up to me taking my hand. " We are just going to walk around the beach and play some beach games." She imformed me.

"Goodbye Miss Diana." She said goodbye to my grandma.

"Bye grandma." I waved her goodbye.

We walked out of the kitchen. I loved Hazel's outfit. She wore a pink and yellow sundress. She alway wore pink and yellow.

We walked out of the house and a car was parked in the driveway, it was a Jeep grand wegoneer and was very pretty. The color was white.

Hazel opened the back door then got in and I too got in.

It had three rows and Hayden and Rylan  were sat infront, and Hayden was driving. Then Hazel and I were in the middle then Cora and Cori at the back and they seemed to be fighting, I think.

"Hey Lyla." Cora and Cori stopped fighting to greet me before going back to fighting.

"Hey Lyla." Rylan greeted me and I greeted him back.

"Hi Charlatana." Hayden greeted me.

"I am not talkative, but the name Charlatana sounds pretty, so I will just act like it means beautiful. By the way I was about to tell you how beautiful your hair is, as well as your eyes. Back on your eyes they are so pretty and-" I stopped talking when I realized I was being talkative.

Hayden looked at me through the rear view mirror while laughing." Okay then how about Belleza habladora? "He questioned.

" What does that mean? - Actually don't tell me I think I remember. I took Spanish for a week at school last year. Does it mean 'The best, most fun girl, ever' ?"I asked and he laughed.

" Not quite just simply means, talkative beauty. "He said and I sighed.

" I guess that one week of Spanish class did not pay of. Anyway its better but so long how about-"I stopped talking then looked at him through the rear view mirror.

" Why am I discussing nickname ideas for you to call me, with you?"I whispered to him. I don't quite know why I whispered.

" I don't know I'm asking you. "He whispered back then laughed.

" I like your laugh by the way its very very nice, very. "

He looked at me through the rear view mirror and smiled before looking back ahead at the road. "Thanks, Belleza. "He thanked me and I got exited.

" That means beauty, right? "I asked and he nod." That one is good. "I added.

" I am sorry to break of whatever is happening here, actually I am not. But Hayden can you please start driving? "Rylan said causing me to laugh and Hayden to roll his eyes before driving out of the driveway.

I turned to Hazel who was reading a magazine she found on her seat.

I turned around then began talking to Cora and Cori.

" Cora and Cori are you guys twins? "I asked and they nod.

" Whose older? "I asked.

" Me. "Cori answered and Cora looked at him.

" Bye a minute. "She said.

" Who gives a shit, still older. "

They went back to fighting and I turned to Hazel then began talking to her until the car came to a halt.

We all walked out of the car. I could smell the sea water and the sound of waves was calming.

For Summer the beach had little to no one.We all walked to the beach.

" Let's made a deal." Cori began and we all looked at him

"Girls versus Boys beach volleyball and losing team pays up ten dollars each, well thirty, ten to each." He continued and a smile grew on Cora's face.

"You still owe me twenty dollars so plus ten from you alone is going to make it thirty dollars." Cora said still smiling.

"Okay. Free money." Hazel said as she walked to the beach shop to buy a ball coming back holding one a while later.

"Cori, are you trying to make us lose thirty fucking dollars, because neither one of the three of us have ever played beach volleyball." Rylan said to Cori as the boys were trying discuss strategies.

I have only ever played once, when i went on a school trip to the beach, when I was Fourteen.

We walked up to the volleyball net then began playing. I did not plan on giving away thirty dollars so we had to win.

After an intense thirty minutes game the girls won. "I am thirty dollars richer." Cora smiled causing me to smile.

"Okay, that was fun...That fucking sucked I am never playing this game ever again, and Cori maybe make bets for games we know we will win next time."Rylan sat down on one of the beach benches. I giggled at his annoyance.

Hazel say next to him and they began kissing.

I stood next to Hayden. "You really suck at volleyball." I whispered to him while looking forward.

"It's not my best sport." He said while smiling.

I walked away from Hayden then made my way to the ocean and stood right where the waves stop.

"Ouch!" I screamed after something bit me. It was a Jellyfish. Everyone ran up to me I became scared as my foot became red. Sometimes when I'm scared I faint.

I fainted.

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