(V5) Chapter 5.3

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I was walking towards the office. I wasn't sure what my father needed from me. I opened the door, revealing a man with silver hair.

My father is the Chairman of this school, Advanced Nurturing High School. If anything, the fact that he called me down to his office must suggest of some importance.

"Arisu, I'm glad you made it although took long."

"I'm not exactly quick, hm?"

"Ha, I suppose you're correct on that. Come sit down."

He smiled and gestured me to a chair. I went to that direction and sat down while putting my cane on my lap.

"Is there anything you need, father?"

He then looked at me with a different expression than I'm used to.

"Yes... I'm... I'm about to tell you something extremely important. If any other student knows, it wouldn't be good. Both inside and outside the school. Do you understand?"

"Fufu! Of course. In any case, what you're about to tell me is making me anticipate."

Father then says something that absolutely confuses me.

"There's another one."

"...Another one?"

I didn't know what he meant by that. Another what?

"Another... 'Kiyotaka' if you will."

My curiosity turns even greater. 

"Another Kiyotaka-kun? From... the White Room?"

"No. Not exactly. He's from a similar White Room project. Created by Kijima-kun."

There was another White Room?

From his wording, it didn't seem like it was created by his father. No, he would have no merit in such a thing.

"Was... it perhaps your father who created it?"

His mouth frowned down slightly and squinted at me.

"Indeed. He sent that student to be in this school. However, since is political information, I cannot disclose it with you."

"...What is Kijima's Project called?"

"It has a name, indeed. But as I said, I will not disclose any more information regarding my father's project."

"...I see."

"However, your grandfather has be working on his project greatly. Both that and this school. That boy... is your grandfather's masterpiece in a way. A magnum opus."

A student from a similar White Room is in this school.

However, whether or not this student is capable of beating me or even Kiyotaka-kun is another matter.

Judging by his choice of words, my father indirectly said that it was an 'he'.

This wouldn't make sense. Why would father do that? If he wants to disclose the identity of this student, then...

"Are you telling me this information in preparation for this 'student' you're about to reveal?"

"... It seems like my daughter saw threw me. Though I did intend on making you indirectly guess that ha..."  He dryly laughed. "But yes. In the case you were to expel this student, it would have dire consequences. Not only in ANHS but in the outside and political world. It was intended for him to come here. No other student from the facility would be coming here anymore. He is the only student."

"Ah... okay."

"Yes, the project is less harsh than the White Room. So, by means he is unable to defeat Ayanokouji-kun. However, it would also be a major advantage given to him..."

I sensed that there was more he was hiding but as I had no intention, I decided to let go.


"Are you going to tell me the name of this student?"

"Of course, that was the reason you're here."

His face turned to one of seriousness.

"Unless by his own actions, if he is expelled by you, consequences would do its part."

I wasn't unnerved by that statement. In fact, I was nervous. I've never heard my father be this serious before... if that's the case, I won't expel him.

...At least directly. If anything, I would like to test this 'similar White Room student.'

I nodded after hearing that. Waiting in anticipation, He slowly said the words,

"...Shinjiro Akabane-kun is that student."

I looked at him, one resembling that of annoyance.


His eyes do have some sort of aura similar to Ayanokouji-kun. However, that is much more different.

However, if he is a 'magnum opus', why steal a girl's underwear?

That thought almost caused me to giggle yet at the same time, made me curious.

That boy, regarding his statements, seem to be sub-par with Ayanokouji-kun.

However, is that true? Can he live up to the standards?

I have decided on one thing.

'I will test both him and Ayanokouji-kun, and destroy them both.'

They're impressive, yet I'm more. They're false.

Though Ayanokouji-kun is a false genius, Shinjiro-kun is an imposter.

"Arisu... are you there?"

"Hm? Ah yes, I am. My apologies. Is that all you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes, that's all. Sorry for taking up your time. You're dismissed."

"Thank you for calling me here."

I grabbed my cane and stood up from the chair. After that, I bowed down to him while he waved. Then I proceeded to go to the exit.


I stopped midway through the door frame.

"Please do not do anything rash."

I grinned at that.

"Don't worry father, I won't do anything of the sorts."

"And please, if he somehow flunks an exam or is close to being expelled, regarding on the circumstances, please help him. I'm sure he just wants to live a peaceful life."

"Of course."

With that I nodded, opened my phone and texted Masumi-san while smugly smiling.

"This school life is about to be feisty it seems."


Word Count: 833 Words

Yeah, this is the last chapter.

What do you guys think of this volume? The next part will be Volume 6.

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