One: Flee

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 My gaze drifted beyond the towering stained glass windows, where lush gardens sprawled in all their vibrant glory. The scent of fresh roses wafted through the room, a sweet reminder of the serenity I had always known.

The king, my father, entered the room, his countenance etched with concern. His voice, usually commanding and confident, now carried a weight of solemnity as he spoke, "My dear, it is no longer safe within the confines of our kingdom. We made a difficult decision to ensure your safety. We must send you into the forest for your protection."

I recoiled at the idea, my eyes narrowing with defiance. "Send me into the forest? Father, that's insane! I am a princess, not some commoner to be cast into the wilderness."

He sighed, his face lined with worry. "You must understand, my child, war has descended upon our lands, and I fear for your safety. We have sent for a knight to come to your aid. You must wait for him in of the forest til he arrives."

With a flash of anger, I couldn't help but retort, "One knight? Father, this is madness! If my safety truly matters, why only one? What if he fails? I won't be left defenseless!"

My father sighed, his voice tinged with sadness as he attempted to explain. "My dear, I know this seems inadequate, but all our other knights are out on the front lines, defending our kingdom from the impending threat. This knight, Sir Alistair, is more than capable. He's been trained for situations like this and has a reputation for valor and skill. You must trust in his abilities. Your safety is our utmost concern."


But my father's resolve was unshakable. He pressed a small satchel into my hands, containing provisions for my journey, and escorted me to the edge of the forest. With a heavy heart, I ventured into the dense, foreboding woods, grumbling under my breath about the absurdity of it all.

As I trudged deeper into the forest, my irritation grew. "Wait for a knight," they said, as if I needed someone to protect me.

With a roll of my eyes, I donned a cloak concealing me. "As if I can't handle myself," I muttered under my breath, my attitude clear to anyone who cared to listen.

As I continued my defiant march through the forest, my cloak billowing behind me, I failed to notice the uneven ground beneath my feet. With an embarrassing stumble, I tripped over a hidden tree root and tumbled to the ground, my satchel of provisions scattering in all directions.

Cursing my own clumsiness, I found myself deeper in the forest, far away from the path my father had guided me along. I brushed dirt from my commander "clothes".

Frustrated and disheveled, I decided to take a moment to catch my breath and rest. The forest was eerily quiet around me, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. As I settled down on a fallen log, I couldn't help but think about my father's concern and the impending danger our kingdom faced.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned back against the log, closed my eyes, and let the tranquility of the forest wash over me.

The forest's gentle, ambient sounds had almost lulled me into a peaceful slumber, when an oddly loud and thunderous noise interrupted my dreams. My eyes fluttered open, and I struggled to make sense of the situation, disoriented from being abruptly awakened by the mysterious commotion.

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