Five: Surprise

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As Pierce left to change, I sat on the bathroom counter, the towel still wrapped around me like a makeshift blanket. With his request to think of something fun for us to do, my mind began to wander, searching for ideas to fill the day ahead.

Yet, amidst the brainstorming, a realization struck me, I hadn't truly explored Pierce's kingdom beyond the confines of his home and the nearby store we visited.

Recalling the enjoyable trip to the store, I realized how much I had relished the opportunity to experience a glimpse of the commoner world. The bustling streets, the vibrant marketplace, and the lively atmosphere had left an impression on me, igniting a curiosity to explore more.

Excited by the prospect of discovering more of his kingdom's wonders, I eagerly awaited Pierce's return, eager to share my idea for the day ahead.

As Pierce returned, I greeted him with a smile, the towel still draped around me. "Got any ideas yet?" he asked, his curiosity evident in his tone.

I nodded, excitement bubbling within me. "Yes, I propose that you show me around your kingdom," I declared.

Pierce chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his expression. "Sure thing, Princess. I'll show you around 'my kingdom'," he said, emphasizing the phrase in a playful manner.

Pierce's chuckle caught me off guard, and I tilted my head in confusion. "What's so funny?" I asked, puzzled by his reaction.

He grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Nothing, it's just... the way you said 'my kingdom'," he explained, his chuckle fading into a warm smile. "It's just a funny way to put it, that's all."

I blinked, realizing the unintentional humor in my choice of words. "Oh, I see," I replied sheepishly, feeling slightly embarrassed by my slip in terminology. "I guess I got carried away with the royal talk."

Pierce shook his head, his smile reassuring. "No worries, Elara. I think it's cute," he reassured me, his tone gentle and encouraging.

As Pierce's laughter faded, he noticed my slight embarrassment, his expression softening with understanding. "Hey, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal," he reassured me, his tone gentle.

I managed a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "Thanks," I murmured, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

Sensing my discomfort, Pierce gently lifted me up, holding me in his palm. "Let's get going then." he said, his tone light and cheerful.

As he carried me, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at my lack of familiarity with commoner culture. Usually, I couldn't care less about such trivial matters, considering them beneath me. But in this moment, I found myself curious about the correct term for the device we were using.

Avoiding Pierce's gaze, I glanced away, my cheeks flushing slightly. "Um, what is it supposed to be called?" I asked hesitantly, hoping he wouldn't find my ignorance too amusing.

Pierce chuckled softly at my question, seemingly amused by my curiosity. "Just town or city, I guess," he replied casually, his tone indicating that he didn't think much of it.

I nodded, taking note of his response. "Town it is then," I remarked, making a mental note for future.

As Pierce made his way towards the door, I nestled into the warmth of his palm, feeling a sense of comfort and security in his gentle embrace. Despite my initial embarrassment, I found solace in his reassuring presence as we embarked on our little adventure.

With each step, Pierce carried me towards the door, his movements smooth and steady. As we reached the entrance, he carefully opened the door, allowing the morning sunlight to spill into the room.

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