Three: Documentary

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As the wait for Pierce continued, boredom slowly crept into the edges of my good mood.

My gaze wandered around the room, seeking something to alleviate the growing boredom. It landed on an unfamiliar device resting on the table nearby. I recalled seeing Pierce use it earlier to turn on the moving mirror, or as he called it, the "TV".

Although I didn't know what it was called, a spark of curiosity led me to walk over to the device, contemplating its buttons and functions with a mixture of fascination and puzzlement.

With a curious glance, I tentatively pressed a button on the device, uncertain of its purpose. To my surprise, the nearby TV flickered to life, displaying a series of moving images and sounds. The unexpected success of my interaction with the device stirred a sense of accomplishment, momentarily distracting me from the earlier boredom.

Grinning, Pierce approached, his eyes glancing at the TV screen. "Figured out how to use the remote, huh?" he remarked with a playful tone, seemingly unaware of my previous unfamiliarity with the device.

I turned to him, a subtle pride in my accomplishment. "Indeed, I've mastered the art of this uh...'remote'," I declared, struggling with the proper vocabulary for this device. Pierce chuckled, seemingly finding the humor in my choice of words.

"Hush, hush, and sit down." I interrupted motioning for him to sit down. "The TV is showcasing people like me royal people," I instructed, gesturing toward the screen as a sense of intrigue filled the room.

As I gestured for Pierce to sit down, he settled behind me on the couch, positioned adjacent to the coffee table where I perched. The TV screen displayed a documentary about royalty, and I awaited his reaction.

As he settled in, he noticed that the program on the TV was a documentary. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "You really like this stuff? It's kind of boring."

I turned slightly to address Pierce's comment. "It's not 'boring' it's likely too refined for your taste. If you pay attention, you might actually learn something," I corrected with a touch of regal assurance.

Pierce sighed, as if resigned to indulge my interest. "Alright, Princess, educate me. Show me the refined world of your kind."

As the documentary transitioned to a vibrant party scene, Pierce leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "So, what's the deal with these royal parties? Are they as extravagant as they show in those movies?" he asked, gesturing toward the screen where elegant people danced and socialized in a lavish setting.

My eyes lit up with excitement as I eagerly explained, "Oh, they're even better than the movies! The grandeur, the elegance, the intricate details – it's a spectacle of unparalleled beauty. The gowns are adorned with the finest jewels, and the ballrooms are filled with the sweet melodies of live orchestras. The dance floors, oh, they're a tapestry of swirling colors and graceful movements. And the food! Delicacies from around the kingdom, each dish a masterpiece crafted by the finest chefs."

As I rambled on about the splendor of royal parties, Pierce watched with a bemused smile. While he might not understand every detail, the joy in my expression seemed to bring a sense of contentment to him.

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