Can we go home?

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Prompt: "Can we go home?"


Katie had asked you to be her plus one to the house warming party her teammate Leah Williamson was throwing. You had only been dating Katie for a couple of months, and were excited to see her teammates again. You had met the Arsenal girls on a couple of occasions now, and they were some of the nicest people you had ever met.

When you arrive at Leah's new house, you and Katie go around greeting everyone with a hug before Leah gives the both of you a quick tour. You loved her new place and were sure to tell her so, after the tour you joined the others back downstairs. You started catching up with some of the girls, while Katie went to check out the dj set Leah had recently purchased. Of course, Katie urged Leah to show off her dj skills to her big audience and the party really started. Music started blasting through the room and alcoholic beverages were passed around.

You were enjoying yourself at first, but the longer you were at the party the more overstimulated you got. The sound of the music seemed to get louder and louder, drunk people that were unintentionally talking louder, and the many different conversations happening around you all started to mix and become too much. You decide to slip out the back unnoticed by the group in the living room.

The porch seating area was rather comfortable, you settled under a blanket and started scrolling on your phone. After a while the backdoor opens and Katie walks out, "There you are! I've been looking for you." She sits down next to you, and you immediately lean into her warmth. "Why are you sitting out here? It's getting pretty cold." You shrug your shoulders, "It was just getting a bit too loud in there." Katie's brow furrows, "Are you wanting to go back in?" She asks, trying to figure out why you hadn't said anything. "No, not really." You say softly, scared of her response. "Oh, baby, why didn't you say anything?" You looked up at her as if it was obvious why, "I didn't want to ruin your night." Katie looked perplexed. "Why would that ruin my night?"

You read her face, trying to figure out if she's joking or not. "Because, you are still having fun at the party and I don't want you to have to leave because of me." Katie starts to figure out what is happening. "Is this one of those things that your ex made you believe?" You nod in response. Katie shakes her head in disbelief. "Well, that is very toxic of them, and I am so sorry that they made you believe that." She pulls you closer into her body and you snuggle into her. "Please tell me whenever you feel like you want to leave, I do not care if I am still having fun. If you are no longer having fun, or you're no longer comfortable, I would rather go home and you be comfortable." She tells you while rubbing her hands over your arms. "I would never make you stay because I am still having fun, your wellbeing matters more." A few tears roll down your cheeks, overwhelmed with the comfort and support from your girlfriend.

Katie sits in silence with you for a moment, just holding you and making sure you know she meant what she said. "Would you like to sit here for a bit longer, or do you want to go home?" You take a deep breath, still a little scared that maybe Katie wouldn't be honest about it being okay. "Can we go home?" Katie stands and helps you up, "Yeah, come one, let's get our stuff." She takes your hand and intertwines her fingers with yours. Before she walks back into the house, she kisses your lips softly. "Thank you for sharing that with me, I know it wasn't easy."

She keeps you close while you make your way through the crowd, making her way to Leah. "Hey Leah, we're heading out. Thank you so much for tonight." Katie says and hugs her goodnight, you follow and do the same. Katie grabs your hand and again and walks you to the little hallway, grabbing both of your coats before stepping out of the front door. She helps you put on your coat, you laugh at the gesture, but happily comply. After she zips it up she pecks your lips, "Let's go home."

Back at Katie's home she walks you over to the couch, "Wait here." A few minutes later she comes back with two cups of hot chocolate. "To warm up." You once again cuddle into her, grateful for how she reacted to the situation. After you finished your hot chocolate, Katie placed the cups on the coffee table. When she sits back down you've turned your body her way. She places her arm over the back of the couch, waiting for you to share what was going through your mind.

You study her facial features, smiling at how lucky you were to have met Katie. "What is it, darling?" She asks, placing her other hand on your knee. "Thank you for tonight, you are the best." Katie smiles, "Of course, you don't have to thank me for that." You lean in and kiss her, moving your hand to the nape of her neck to pull her closer. Katie smiles into the kiss, and you feel your heart start being faster, this was the moment. You pull away slightly, looking into her sparkling eyes. "I love you." You tell her for the first time. Katie's smile grows, "I love you too." Your heart warms, knowing that she felt as strongly about you as you did about her. Katie pulls your body into hers and holds you tight, placing soft kisses to your head. There might have been some downsides to this evening but you would always remember it as a good day, thanks to Katie.

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