Last night (part 1)

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Prompt: "We need to talk about what happened last night."

Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, alcohol consumption, fingering (R receiving), oral (K receiving), and some cursing.


You ran towards Katie when the final whistle blew, jumping into your best friend's arms in celebration. She spun you around, happy to be celebrating the team's win with you first. What the team had been working so hard for was finally a reality, you had won the Conti Cup. Everyone was overjoyed with the win, you went around hugging the rest of your teammates and shaking hands with your opponents as well. The celebration continued on the field along with the many Arsenal supporters in the stadium.

After celebrating the Conti Cup win on the field with, receiving your medals, and doing a final lap around the field to thank all the fans, the team continues their celebration in the locker room. Bottles of champagne were passed around, along with many plastic cups. The first few bottles weren't drunk, they were shaken and sprayed over the team, or poured into the trophy. Once Katie started drinking the champagne from the trophy while the rest of the team was chanting "Chug, chug, chug!" You knew this evening was going to be a crazy celebration.

You open another bottle and start filling up the cups, while Leah and Kim start passing them around. Once everyone had a cup Kim started her captain's speech, saying how proud each and everyone should be of themselves for the way they've performed to get this result. You all raise your cups at the end of the speech and the music gets turned back on.

Eventually you all decide that it is time to move the celebrations somewhere else, so you each take a quick shower before heading back to the hotel to drop off your stuff. You find a bar close to the hotel and decide to head in, sitting down at a few tables. You were all close to tipsy from all the champagne, so it only took a few drinks to be fully tipsy.

You were sitting next to Katie in the booth, leaned into her side with her arm wrapped around you, while you were telling a story. It wasn't surprising to your teammates to see the two of you so touchy with one another. All of your teammates had at one point or another been convinced that the two of you were dating, though never pushing much and just letting the two of you be when you said you were just best friends.

After a few more drinks you were starting to get drunk, along with many of your teammates. You head to the bathroom and when you get back, your seat on the bench had been taken by one of your teammates from a table over, so you walked over to Katie and sat down on her lap. She wraps one of her arms around your waist and places her other hand on your thigh, continuing the conversation she was having with Lotte.

When she's done with her conversation she leans into you, "Come with me to get another round?" She says in your ear, her lips brushing against your cheek, causing you to shiver. Katie smirks at your reactions, but you didn't see as you stood up already. You make your way to the bar and order another round for everyone, each taking a bar tray full of drinks back to your tables. The team cheers when you handout the new drinks.

The spot you previously occupied was empty again, so you decide to sit there again. Before you could do so though, Katie grabs your hand and pulls you back into her lap. You smile and wrap your hand around her shoulder. Katie's hand landed back on your thigh once more, and she started absentmindedly moving her fingers to draw shapes on it. She turned your way to ask you a question, but it fell on deaf ears, she followed your eyes down to her hands and smirked again. She lifted her hand from your thigh up to your chin and moved your head up gently, making your eyes lock. You stare into her eyes and feel your heart beating faster in your chest.

Katie looks down at your lips before looking up at your eyes again, seeing you doing the same. You feel her lean in closer to you, but before her lips reach yours, she moves them towards your ear to whisper something to you again, "Wanna go back to the room?" You bite your lip and nod eagerly. The two of you say bye to your teammates before heading out into the cold air of the night. Katie wraps her arm around your shoulder, as you wrap yours around her waist, making your way back to the hotel. You press the elevator button for the fifth floor, the two of you having shared rooms at Arsenal for years now, so there was no question to which room you were going.

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