twenty four -- teenage dream

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MOM HUMS TO HERSELF as she drives Riley and me toward our destination. I shrink back against the leather seats of Aunt Milani's car that Mom borrowed just for this so-called special occasion. Then, my eyes stray over to the passenger seat, and I grimace at the sight of Mr. Finn's scraggly blonde hair. He looks over at Mom for a moment, a soft look passing across his face. And then the song changes to an AC/DC song, making me frown when Mom and Mr. Finn start singing along and doing air guitar together. 

"I thought your mom hated when Mr. Finn played AC/DC in the library at school," Riley says, leaning close to me to whisper. I keep my gaze locked on Mom and Mr. Finn, a weird feeling spreading through my chest. "Are they officially dating yet?"

"No, they're going slow." I'm reminded of a conversation I had with Mom before Christmas. She said that they wanted to go slow into their relationship because she has a past of moving too fast (sorry, not sorry, Dad). "I didn't think they'd go out with us, though."

"It's Valentine's Day," Riley says, looking at me with wide eyes behind her eyes. Her smile betrays her, and I know what she's thinking. I hate what she's thinking. "It's awesome that your mom is with Mr. Finn. A little weird, but awesome, nonetheless."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. If she's happy, then I'm happy." I glare at the back of Mr. Finn's head. "Even if it's with my weird and annoying teacher." Riley laughs before pulling away from me. As she glances out the window, I give her a once over. She's wearing a pair of white stappy heels that look too tall for her, and a cute blue dress with white lace around the neck. A simple necklace with a music note pendant hangs wraps around her neck, shining in the soft lamplight that goes by. "You're going to be taller than Freddy tonight, you know that, right?" I say. Riley turns back to me, a smile playing across her lips. "Ah, you like that."

"Of course. That was a great rhyme," she says, flashing me a radiant grin. I roll my eyes at her. "I like to keep him on his toes. Literally."

"Ugh, gross."

She laughs again, and I can't help but grin back at her. The AC/DC song ends, and Mom turns the volume down. Mr. Finn twists in his seat so he's looking at me and sort of at Riley since she's sitting right behind him. "So," he says, his eyes dancing, "where are the boys?"

"They're meeting us there," I say, wishing Mr. Finn wouldn't talk about our double (triple?) date. I also wish that he and Mom aren't chaperoning our double date, and I pray that they will be far enough away from us. "Did Mom not tell you anything?"

"No," he says, shaking his head. Then, he scratches his head, nervously glancing over at Mom. Her eyes remain focused on the road, but I can tell she's smiling to herself. "Maybe she did say that? I don't remember. I was . . . distracted." 

I hold my gag down, but the bile rises in my throat anyway. 

Mom pulls into the parking lot of the fancy restaurant Freddy and Riley chose to eat at. My heart hammers in my chest when I see two boys standing near the front doors, one holding flowers in his hands. I can't tell who it is, and then the boys disappear as Mom parks the car. I suck in a deep breath, wondering why my heart is racing so bad, why my hands are sweaty, why I feel like I'm going to throw up all over my pretty outfit. 

I wipe my hands against my midnight black skirt, the soft fabric scratching my palms. I don't dare lift my arms in fear of my red flowy shirt showing the stains underneath my arms. Riley pushes the door open and pops out. I quickly follow her out, not caring that I scooted across the whole backseat to get out. I pull down the red shirt, wondering why I chose such a bright color for this date. Am I trying to impress someone? I shouldn't since Zack and I are already together. 

Riley throws me a quick grin before she hurries away from Mom and Mr. Finn. I try my best to keep up with her, though it isn't that hard because she can't walk that fast. "I really don't want to be seen with them," she says quickly as I try to keep up in my wedges. Riley wobbles slightly, so I reach out and place a hand on her arm, trying to steady her. "No offense, Harlow."

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