Chapter 11

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^^^^ I can hear his voice 😂

I wonder why he takes the word 'chicken' with so much offense? 🤣


"Ready?" Chan asked as he slowly trotted into the forest, enough for my considerably shorter legs to keep up with him but choosing to not stay at a walk.

"Yes." I mumbled. "Lead the way."

He grunted at me, before he started to move a bit faster. I was nearly running full sprint to keep up with his now not so lackadaisical trot, having to go double time to keep up with him. And he seemed to be set on making sure I knew he wasn't hardly running, as while I was still a few steps behind him, he would brush his tail into my face to taunt me--and quickly distanced himself from me when I tried to bite his tail.


"I heard that."

"I don't care!" I huffed. "Why is it that I can successfully talk to you, but you can still hear my thoughts?!" I complained.

"It means you need some more training." He said, while I paused for a moment as I noticed us coming up on a giant fallen tree. I stopped, expecting to go around it.

Meanwhile, Chan effortlessly leaped about seven feet into the air, cleared the tree, and...with a bit of an ear cock, I heard him waiting for me on the other side.


I looked to the left, then the right, and found that it was a really big tree. I didn't want to lose him in the forest by trying to run around, so I scratched on the tree a bit and softly whimpered.

A few moments later, I jumped a little as Chan came flying back over the tree. He kicked up a bit of dust as he landed, before he trotted over to me. Without a word, the alpha gave me a little cuff on the ear, gently nibbling it. Followed by a lick on my head before he picked me up by my scruff. I whimpered and curled my tail, picking my hind legs up enough so they weren't dragging in the dirt as Chan walked away from the tree. And with a bit of ground to give him a running start, he ran--with a bit of difficulty with me in his jaws hitting his front legs here and there, but with a powerful leap, he got up on top of the log. His claws straped at the tree as he let me go on top of it, nearly not making it all the way with me in tow. Then, he carefully jumped down from the log and gave me a moment to get my feet together on the ground before he let go of my scruff. And with a few licks on my scruff to set my fur down neatly, he started to head on his way again. Not the least bit bothered by what had just happened.

Geez. Was he trying to show off just then? Why couldn't we have just gone around it in the first place? He should know I can't jump like that...

Not that I was really complaining though. I was more or less pleased that he was strong enough to do that in the first place. It was impressive. I'd never tell him that though.

I stood by Chan's side, looking around as he took a few moments to pause and sniff the ground. His ears moved every which way, listening to the forest, but I don't think for anything in particular. At least, not until the perked up and forwards, and he froze to look ahead with amber eyes.

"What is it?" I asked as I sniffed the ground a bit. I could smell something. Nasty, that is. But I had no idea what it could belong to.

"Skunk." He mumbled.

"What is that?" I asked as I side stepped a bit closer to him, nervous that there was apparently something around that I hadn't heard of.

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