Chapter 15

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It's been a hot while since I've had you guys sing for me 😊


It's our baby's 6th anniversary~🥰 so, you guys get an update~~


Another day passed at the blink of an eye on the way to the wind pack's camp. The entire way, Chan insisted on carrying me. And for the majority of the trip, my feet didn't even touch the ground.

When we arrived at the wind pack's camp, I stuck close to Chan like I was glued to him. Wishing I could hide behind him, but it wouldn't have been proper for my human form to duck behind his wolf form when we were being escorted by one of the wind pack's higher ups towards a place to change to our human forms. I kept a hand on Chan's back, clutching his fur in my hand as we followed the escort to a private area specifically for Chan and I. I was nervous, as Chan couldn't say anything in his wolf form and...I really didn't want to talk to a higher up of another pack--especially not one we weren't on good terms with, considering one wrong word could start a war. I just smiled every time the escort turned to look at me, up until they showed us a little room secluded in their meeting hall.

"This is where you'll be staying. Please, change to your human form and come to the clearing. Our leader wishes to talk immediately."

I bowed down to the escort, too nervous to offer much more than a smile tacked onto it. I clutched Chan's fur, as they walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind them and leaving us alone.

Chan didn't hesitate to shift once they were gone. I looked up at him as he stretched himself out, before he let out a little huff and went to retrieve some clothes they'd left for us both on a human bed, one that looked shockingly comfortable. I gulped a little as the alpha walked away from me. His broad back and um...large behind were on display, and admittedly, I couldn't help but check both of them out as he examined the clothes available.

"Babe, do you want to change?" He asked as he turned to look at me. Pausing for a moment when he noticed my downward stare at his body, before he smirked a bit. "Or rather, would you prefer us both naked for a bit?" He asked as he started to approach me. Making me panic a bit as my eyes shot up to his face, where he had a mischievous look on his face.

"They're expecting us--" I sputtered, stepping back and turning away immediately. "And that's very inappropriate right now when we're guests in another pack's territory!"

"I think they'd understand the pup grind." He said with a grin as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "You sure you don't want to? I can do it quickly for you."

"You--" I puffed up shyly. "You really want our first time to be quick like that?" I hissed, before I pushed his hands away. "Get dressed! They're waiting for us!"

"But you were checking me out. As a good husband, I feel like I should act on your gaze."

"As a good future husband, you should do as I tell you! Get dressed and come on!"

He chuckled at me, but the alpha didn't argue. I could hear him rustling around behind me, and after a few seconds, I dared to look. He had just finished putting the underwear on, and was working on the pants. He sent me a little smirk when he saw me peeking, before he motioned towards the bed.

"They prepared some clothes for you too, if you want to change." He said as he pointed out some neatly folded clothes. "They're gonna be a bit revealing though. The wind pack likes to keep all of their omega's skin on display."

"Why?" I asked with a little frown as I went to check out the clothes. Finding a newly sewn shirt with cuts in the shoulders and the sides, on top of a low cut middle that would show off quite a bit of my skin. As well as this weird open piece of fabric that I stared at in confusion.

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