Loving Family - chp1

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             The shattered pieces of the glass, the sharp pieces all unique as they all were differently hit. they were sharp at the edges some were long and skinny while others were bigger and less sharp.

all were different but all held one thing in common, she looked into the reflection of them and saw herself. Each piece reflected at her, the mirror showcasing the person she hated most. and the most part is that it shattered the more she saw of herself then there would be more reflections of herself.

The girl has tears streaming down her face as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, why the girl was crying most did not know. the torment that was in her head was unbearable as she grabbed the long skinny but dangerously sharp piece one wondered what she had in mind.

as she went to put the glass to her wrist she once more looked up at the mirror, behind her was the eyes, the eyes that caused her so much turmoil, so much pain. who did those eyes belong to, and why did they haunt her? as the shard of the mirror touched her wrist everything went black.


Gasping awake my alarm blaring at me as I hit the button to stop the awful sound, I sit up slowly as the blanket pooled around me looking down at my wrist that had not a single mark on it.

the door to my room bursts open as my little sister runs in. "sissy!" the child screams her dark hair bounces as she reaches me her hands out as I pull her up so she's sitting on my lap her arms now around my neck hugging me.

"momma made breakfast!" the small girl said, I smiled as I set her down and pushed her gently to the door.

"I will be down in just a minute."

I got up throwing on my normal clothes I'd wear to school, just some jeans and a plain white shirt I looked in the mirror of the vanity my hair was orange almost red. I half expect the red eyes behind me, looking at my every move.

I grab my phone, as i took on last glance at the mirror, and walked out of my room. going down the stairs hearing each creak as the smell of eggs and bacon hit my nose, my mother not making a traditional Japanese meal as she is American my father was Japanese though.

i see my sister eating her eggs in small bites as she colours in the book that sat on the dinning table. my mother hears me coming down and looks at me, her closed eye smile.

"Good morning my beautiful daughter.' she said sweetly her hair dark just like my sister's falling down her back graciously as she came over to me and gently squeezed my cheek.

"good morning mum." i said softly as I sit down with my sister, she put a plate in front of me and herself as she too sits down with us.

"today i was thinking, maybe we go for a walk to the park today?" my mom asked as my sister squealed in excitement.

"sissy can you push me on the swing!"

"of course!" I said laughing.

"To as high as the clouds!?"

"to as high as the stars." i said softly making the young girl get excited.

"then it sounds like a plan! to the park we go!" my mother said laughing as she helped my sister put on her jacket abandoning her plate as I scraped as much into my mouth as possible.

putting on my Converse i notice my phone on the table but decide to leave it as my sister and mother are out the door quickly rushing out to them I close the door behind me.

"gosh the park isn't going anywhere!" i said sarcastically as my mother laughed. As she held onto my sister's hand we walked through the town to the city. as we walked I felt as if I were being watched. as if something was following us, tuning around nobody was there.

the car drove past us as we got close to the intersection in which we had to cross to get to the park, as the cars swooshed I felt light-headed. the eyes were watching me and i couldn't find them, as my sister and mother who walked carefree did they not feel the power of whoever was watching them?

as more cars whizzed past them I stopped as I saw him his eyes the same red as the ones that haunted my dreams. as more cars whizzed by faster and faster his blurred-out body became clearer his pink hair that was pushed back, his tattoos those markings along his face. the smirk, a smirk of pure evil. as I went to grab my sister's hand I felt another hand pull me back, it all happened so fast.

i watched my sister and mother step into the street thinking there were no cars when suddenly an uncontrollable truck sped faster than she saw on the road before hitting them.

it happened in slow motion as I watched my sister and mother get run over by the truck, both bleeding as some limbs were broken or torn off. I did not feel in control of my body as I ran to them, my sister still holding my mother's hand. I pressed on the wounds as blood covered me. as bystanders were shocked as what happened and watched as she screamed.

looking up I tried to find him, but he wasn't there.

"help! they need help! somebody help them!" i screamed as someone seemed to be on the phone as other watched in sorrow. as the girl cried holding her sister in her arms she looked at her mother whose fingers twiced.

"k-k ar- ma" her mother used her real name, the name her cursed father gave her. As blood dripped from her mouth she took her final breath.

i looked at my family, my loving innocent family taken away from me all I felt was anger, the pain consuming my thoughts. every fiber in my body started to burn as the pained sobs became angrier and angrier as the blood burned her hands and the concrete around her started to shatter under the pressure.

the girl's arua turned to a deadly red, the pain grew, and her veins felt as if on fire. the cars around started to pull to the ground, metal seemingly crushing from nothing but the pressure of her power. 

she let out a gut-wrenching scream as all the glass from each car, each store window a mile radius from the girl shattered. As everyone took cover from the sudden attack she didn't.

"they're dead! they're gone!" I wept as the ambulance came, trying to get me off my sister i pushed as much as possible but did not win the battle. As I was dragged away to be checked for injuries I looked at where he stood once more. I watched as he walked away.


"so you felt it too?" the man asked as the smile contrasted against the seriousness of the situation.

the other who was sitting down taking a sip of his sake nodded his head not looking at him only in front of him.

"that power you know reminded me of someone" the gruff man said his glasses covering his eyes as his hand scratched his goatee and sat in his office.

"for a split second, even I thought he was back on his own." the white-haired man said his smile gone as as blindfold covered what his eyes were thinking.

"Bring her and the boy here. they both seem to be connected. Both seem to have ties to Ryomen Sukuna" the president said.

"ahhhh, I have to because I'm the strongest!" Gojo said smirking as he left the room without a sound.

the president shot back the sake as he looked at the painting against the wall, the one that resembled a war.

"He is back."

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