Another Vow - chp 6

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as Fushiguro was running we ended up getting split apart. it felt like an eternity until I got out of the building only to see both Fushiguro and Sukuna fighting.

as I ran to the field I watched in shock as he truly had no care and fought the boy.

"stop! STOP! Sukana! stop" I screamed as I got closer the man in my friend's body smirked looking at me running to him.

"KARMA! get out of here!" Fushiguro screamed as blood slipped from his lips trying desperately to make his stubborn friend to turn around as he slumped against the wall. 

"why if it isn't the little devil herself," Sukuna said smirking as I finally reached them. I looked at the man and noticed the heart missing from his chest, it felt as if he punched my stomach, truly winded. How is Itadori gonna live once they switch back?

"What did you!" I screamed at him walking up, he looked down to me as he was taller than me.

"I killed your friend" he said smirking at my angred face.

"and I'm going to kill you too." as he went to take a step forward he felt as is hands and legs were chained him down, as if he was being stopped and had to go somewhere. behind me was a mirror.

"you can't kill me, not when I call for you." I whispered.

"you make me walk through that gate then I will release your friend's body and he will die." he said angrily not like the power the girl has over him.

"I can't let you kill him Sukuna." I said as I walked closer to the man whose face tilted as I got closer. our breaths mixed as i looked up to the man whom I'd gotten far too used to.

"then what will you?" he asked as he touched my waist holding me in place.

"a different vow. another one," I whispered.

"no don't do it karma! there has to be another way!"  Fushiguro yelled coughing up more blood and making me more worried.

"and what does my devil have to offer me? her king." he said evil and lust lacing his tone.

"you make sure Itadori doesn't die, and whenever you ask. I'll open the gate for you," I whispered up to him looking at his tattooed face his smirk growing bigger.

"dangerous vow don't you think?" he said his head dipping down to whisper in my ear.

"if he dies, I'll make sure you will never come back," I said the man laughed leaving light kisses on my neck making me close my eyes shivering at his warm touch.

"you know how to seal the vow." he said evilly as his hand was on my cheek tilting my head up i went on my tippy toes, and as I softly kissed him I felt like my heart sank. I gave him power over me once again to save my friends. as I pulled back his red eyes soon flashed back to brown and the tattoo marks disappeared.

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