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"so we know Karma can manipulate mirrors, but what would you do if you didn't have one?" Nobara asked as we all warmed up outside on the fields stretching

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"so we know Karma can manipulate mirrors, but what would you do if you didn't have one?" Nobara asked as we all warmed up outside on the fields stretching.

"Maybe she can make a mirror with sand?" Itadori asked.

"no I don't think it works like that." I said pulling the grass under me as I sat down.

"Maybe you can pull out mirrors from one mirror?" Fushiguro said making me snap up to him.

"that could work!" I said.  Nobara pulled out her pocket mirror from her bag throwing it to me as I caught it.

Opening the compact mirror I looked at my reflection, as I focused on my energy I noticed how the reflection started to look like water. Suddenly mirrors started to form around me.

"She did it!" I heard.

As the mirrors formed around me like a mini dome I see him. He's always here.

Something came over me though, like I was forced, like I was memorized. Walking to the mirror I stepped through.

I stood infront of the king of curses himself. I looked at my feet quite nervous of what he would say.

"Look at me human." He demanded.

"Karma." I said annoyed.


"My name." I said looking up into his red eyes glaring.

"Cute. Thinking I care." He smirked as he stepped close once again invading my space. 

"You will need me soon little human." He said making me confused.

"Why would I need you?" I asked.

His hands gripped both sides of my waist as he looked down at me further smirking wider.

"you will need my power and you will open the gate." He whispered as I shook my head.

"I'll never open the gate to you." I said making him chuckle darkly.

"You will be desperate. And the moment you open that gate, I will kill you." He said.

"If I ever, and I mean ever open the gate to you. Your sole purpose would be to protect me. Nothing else." I said to which he laughed as he pushed me back falling out of the mirror and hitting the ground the mirrors around me shattered and everyone quickly shielded their eyes and head.

"how the hell can you go into the mirror?" Nobara asked shocked.

"Asshole!" I screamed out of frustration.

"I can't use my Jujutsu if he's constantly there!" I groaned and I flopped on the grass I could practically hear his mocking laugh in my ears.

"how is he able to always be there? even when you arent summoning him?" Fushiguro asked.

"I don't know, I need to summon something like a weapon. not a person." I said shaking my head and standing up. As the rest went back to their training I went to mine.

the mirrors rebuilt themselves around me as I closed my eyes i tried to envision a weapon, maybe a katana with purple straps that looked mysterious, though nothing happened.

Thinking of an axe, made of pure gold that can cut through bone with ease, once again nothing came up.

then it happened, i felt the connection, the user who wanted me to use their sword and relive their legacy through it. as i open my eyes looking at the mirror i pull out a sword, the hilt made of silver, as the sword itself is curved like waves. it was beautiful with a blue gem that was in the middle.

as i held the sword the mirrors around me faded and my new friends stared at me in shock.

"the Kris blade!?" Fushiguro asked with pure shock.

"This blade is like 2000 years old! they said it killed over millions of curses with its user! its a legend!" Itador said excitedly recently learning about this sword in the history class.

"i felt the connection, and just pulled it out" i said swinging the light but balanced blade. maybe its time i learn how to fight with a sword i asked and they all shook their heads excitedly.


whipping the sweat off my forehead panting as I held a wooden sword I felt exhausted pushing my body to work out more and more.

I drank my water as I walked to my door room soon enough sitting on the floor my mind flooding me with thoughts.

Each day I've been working on my combat skills. Pushing my body to the limit to the point that each night I pass out from exhaustion.

But apparently we are getting our first mission soon, the 4 of us first years.

Everyone seems excited but I am more nervous than anything, as I sit in my room looking into the mirror I couldn't help but look up to him.

"My little devil looking up to me. How adorable." Sukana laughed mockingly.

"I am nervous." I whispered as I looked at the ground my fists clenched.

"Why." His voice boomed as if he was angry at me for being nervous.

"what if- what if I get someone killed? What if I am not strong enough?" I asked frustration clear in my voice.

"You will call to me, and I will eliminate every threat." He smirked evilly.

"I cannot open the gate to you, you will kill me." I said shaking my head looking up at the mirror into his red eyes, slowly I stood up his eyes watching my every move.

With his fingers he gestures me over, to go into the mirror. Slowly I step foot into the mirror looking at him the whole time intill our chests are almost touching.

"I shouldn't have to relay on your powers." I whispered into his eyes, his showing his intentions while mine show how desperate I am to protect my friends.

"Make a vow with me then." He said the smirk on his face grew.

"What do you want?" I asked my finger tips barely grazing his stomach, his hard abs immediately are recognizable as I barely touched his clothed Torso.

"Full control of my power, the moment I step out of the gate." He said.

"On the condition you can't kill me." I said in a whisper as I look up to the devil himself.

His hands gripped both sides of my face as he forced me to fill look into his eyes that glowed a dangerous red.

"And how do we seal this vow?" I asked as his eyes looked down at my lips, his touch was rough and harsh as he squeezed and without a second thought his lips were on mine.

It was a desperate kiss, like he was waiting for this kiss for centuries, mine being just as intense, as I desperately gripped onto the evil that swirled and pledged my thoughts. Our teeth roughly scrapping eachother as we kissed, as his lips feasted of temptation, lust and despair. As he pulled away I was out of breath.

"Aren't you the little devil. Or should I say making a deal with one." He said evilly.

"Will I regret this?" I asked as the man disappeared and I stepped back into my room feeling shocked at my own stupidity and actions.

Why does my body like I'm blinded to him?

Mirrors [ Ryomen Sukuna ]Where stories live. Discover now