First Meetings-chp2

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           The blood of my sister and mother stained my life, no matter how hard I scrubbed my hands with water and soap I still saw my sisters lifeless eyes and my mother whispering my name. 

What was she going to say?

Blame me for not protecting them? 

Ask for help.

as I looked up into the mirror I almost screamed as he stood behind me. his hair pink, his arms were much like a teenager's slim but built. his tattoos on his skin, on his face and running down his neck a part of me wants to see the rest. what was the pattern? his hands were on my waist, his hands clutching the fabric as he stared me down.  

but what shook me to the core were the eyes, his eyes are red, much like blood, filled with blood lust and chaos. a dangerous mix.

I whipped around but nobody was there as I slowly turned to the mirror he was smirking at me squeezing my waist a little tighter.   

"W-who are you?" I asked as I tried to look into his eyes I felt fear slowly creep up my spine dancing along my bones with a mix of curiosity slithering up creating goosebumps on its path. 

"my, my I'm Ryomen Sukuna, little human." as he said that name I felt the power seep out of the mirror, like lava was dripping down the walls as the room got increasingly hotter. this was power.

the terror I felt, the power oh god the power felt disgusting. the amount felt like death on your doorstep, nobody can hold so much power surely it would eat you alive. Who can have so much? As he smirked my eyes went wide, and my legs shook as I felt like crawling into a ball. 

"get the hell out of my head" I growled causing him to laugh loudly.

"you will do just fine. my little human" I screamed in anger as the mirror shattered the man was gone and the wall behind was burnt.  


"Ahhh Itadori, we have to pick up someone on our way. She's vital." Gojo said as he drove himself and the young boy through Tokyo, down to the older villages they passed more and more run-down homes. 

They took notice of how each store started to look more and more beat up, as the glass was replaced with wood planks, and car windows seemed smashed in as well.

"Say Gojo-sensei, why are all the stores here have no glass? it looks like someone threw bricks in them all!" Itadori said making the powerful man smirk.

"they've been keeping tabs on this girl. she is your new mission Itadori your first one. convince this girl to come with us." gojo said making the boy sweatdrop. he was to convince a girl to go with them? not exercise a curse? 

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