Pawn - chp 3

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"Gojo-sensei! how much longer!" Itadori whined as he sat with me in the back seat of the car making me giggle at his childish behaviour. 

"oi! it's not funny!" he said pointing at me making me giggle even more cracking a smile out of the boy until he too was laughing. 

"what even is your name!" Itadori yelled as I looked at him deadpan realizing they didn't even know. 

"Karma, that's the name my father gave me." I said with a small smile.

"Karma! huh, that's a weird name!" he said making me laugh punching his shoulder. 

"Shut-  it! at least I don't got pink hair like you!" I said making the boy open his mouth about to retaliate. Gojo interrupted.

"I don't think a ginger should be talking!" making me gasp. 

"How can you even see my hair!" I said huffing.

"HOW CAN YOU SEE DRIVING?" I screamed finally realizing Itadori laughed loudly as I gripped onto the handles of the car and my seatbelt. 


as we finally reached the school Gojo explained how the veil works but I wasn't paying attention as I looked at the beautiful architecture, my face was stuck to the window as I stared out. 

the car came to a stop and I quickly hopped out including the boys. As we walked up the stairs Itadori walked away and it was only me and my teacher.

"where are we going?" I asked softly as I walked a little behind him. 

"We need to meet someone, make sure you're the right fit" Gojo said smirking.

"what if they don't like me?" I asked.

"He would be a fool to not have you here" Gojo said making me only more confused.

as I looked to the left the windows had a reflection, as we walked he was with us. 

as I stopped and looked at the window the man with red eyes stopped as well and turned to me a smirk on his face. 

"Karma, what is wrong?" Gojo asked as he saw me staring at the reflection in the window but didn't get a response as if I was in another world. 

"what are you doing here?" I whisper to the curse who now smirks.

standing behind me he walked closer and closer till his chest met with my back, his breath fanning my neck as he whispered in my ear. 

"I'm the king of curses. I go where I please." and with that he was gone. 

I turned around and nobody was there, Gojo stared at me his face was serious, thinking. 

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