Dogs - chp 5

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Itadori, Fushiguro, Nobara, and I stood outside of a school that seemed to be smelling rotten, as our supervisor explained the mission to us I didn't seem to listen. i looked at the people who lurked about watching us.

"Don't forget that your mission is to confirm and rescue any survivors." the man said with black hair looking directly at me.

I looked to the people holding a woman back I immediately walked towards him pushing one of the men that held her back, the woman fell in my arms tears flowing down her face.

"Excuse me, about Tadashi..." she wailed.

"you cant do this!" one of the men said but my glare shut them up.

"Tadashi, what is wrong with him?"I asked softly as tears streamed down.

"he's in there! he must be! please, please I'm, begging you save my Tadashi. my son" she asked as she fell to her knees I felt something in me snap for a moment. with determination I nodded to her.

i knew I couldn't make any promises, but I will do her my very best.

as the 4 of us walked up the school I felt this odd feeling in my chest. something wasn't right. Itadori gasped looking up.

"What?" I asked

"It's turning into nighttime!" he said.

"That's the Veil." Nobara said.

"We're very close to residential areas this time, so it's a barrier to conceal us from the outside world." Fushiguro said.

"oh" I said softly.

"Divine Dogs." Fushiguro did hand signs and the cutest dogs appeared making everyone gush looking at them.

"As soon as the curse approaches, it will let us know" he explained as both me and Itadori were putting him squishing his cheeks.

"Oh, I see!" Itadori yelled.

"What a good boy! We'll be counting on you!" I said making the dog bark a little.

"he gonna bite you, Karma." Fushiguro said deadpan as I kept squishing the cute puppy face.

"nope all animals love me!" I said laughing.

"the dog will bite off your finger Karma,,

as I pulled away from the dog letting him lead I huffed at the boys annoyance with me, Nobara threw an arm around my shoulders.

"I just wanted to pet the dog" I whined making her laugh. and Fushiguro rolled his eyes.

as we continued to walk through the building we noticed how off it truly was, this didn't seem like a school this was a domain, soon we heard a crash behind us making all of hold onto each other unfortuenly I held onto Fushiguro who glared at me.

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