The Move

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The doctor came in telling me that nothing was broken just badly bruised so they wrapped my torso and gave me pain medicine. I was released not long after and Stephanie is letting me stay at her house tonight instead of a group home which I'm thankful for. I've never stayed in a group home and I hope I never have to.
Tomorrow Stephanie and Ashton are helping me pack my things and then I'll be able to say goodbye to my friends. I hope they take me moving well because if they don't it'll make leaving more difficult than it already is.
"Hey Lottie I should get back to my hotel to get some sleep are you okay now?" "Yeah thank you so much" I hugged him tighter than I've ever hugged anybody. He hugged me equally as tight. "It's no problem at all I'm so glad I was able to help." "You helped more than you know." "I'm glad. I'll see you tomorrow." He said kissing my temple. With that he left and I followed Stephanie to her car.
"Míja you okay?" "Yeah.. It's just been a very long day." "We're almost to my house and then you can head to sleep." "Okay." We finally got to Stephanie's and I fell right asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up fairly early. I didn't exactly sleep well I'm worried how my friends will take me moving. I know Berna won't take it well at all. "Hey Lottie, did you sleep well?" I just sighed and she gave me a sympathetic look. "I know this is hard for you I hate to see you constantly jumping from house to house all the time, but it's not something I can control." "I know..The only thing I'm upset about is leaving my friends. I've usually stayed around the same general area, bit now I'm moving so far so I won't be able to see them.." "I'm sorry, love" "I'll be okay" I said giving her my best fake smile. She gave me a small smile and then we went in her car to drive to Berna's where the whole crew is.
Me: Berna I'll be over in a few, but I'll be bringing bad news..
Berna: The whole crew is here so you don't have to tell it twice... I'm assuming you're moving again? :,(
Me: Yeah... To Sydney.
Berna: Holy fucking shit that's so far :/
Me: I know mate... I'm a few minutes away so I'll see you there B..
Berna: Okay Lots.
We finally got the Brianna's house and I reluctantly got out of the car. This is probably the first time I didn't want to go to Berna's house. I took a deep breath and open the front door to see everyone silently sitting on the couch looking at me.
"Hi guys..." Nobody said anything wanting me to go on knowing I have bad news. "I'm moving... To uhm Sydney." "Bitch NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE US" George and Ryan yelled in unison. "WHY DO YOU GUYS THINK IT'S OKAY AS A COUPLE TO SAY THINGS IN UNISON IT'S FUCKING WEIRD" I screamed back. They just shrugged. I sat down and just started crying followed by a whole crying fest. "I don't wanna leave you guys. I'll miss you so much" This led to a tight group hug.
"Sorry to break this up guys, but we need to get going Lottie." Stephanie said walking in. "Okay.." I said my last goodbyes promising to Skype after I get settled in my new foster home. Stephanie then took me to grab my things and we headed towards Sydney which is like a 3 hour drive.
I slept most of the ride and woke up just as we were arriving at my new foster home. I started getting really nervous until Ashton came out smiling. I smiled back at him and got out to meet everyone else.
"Hello you must be Charlotte, I'm Anne, this is Harry, and this is Lauren. I know you've met Ashton already." "It's nice to meet you and thank you for letting me stay in your home." "It's your home now too." I smiled Anne is really nice. "Ashton will show you your room and you can get settled in."Thanks." Ashton grabbed a few of my bags and Harry grabbed the rest and I followed Ashton to my new room.
When he set my stuff down and opens the door I was flabbergasted. The walled were painted pastel blue , there was a queen sized bed, a fucking balcony, a walk in closet, and my own bathroom. The first thing I did was jump on the bed. Ashton laughed "Lottie do you need help unpacking?" "No, I'm sure I can manage thank you." With that Harry and Ashton left my bags by the bed and I plugged in my phone to my iHome and listened to Black Veil Brides while I unpacked.
We Scream
We Shout
We Are The Fallen Angels
I sang loudly to one of my favorite songs. "You like Black Veil Brides huh?" Ashton said out of now where causing me to jump and fall on my bum. "Jesus Christ Ash" "Sorry" he said chuckling "You have an amazing voice by the way." "Uhm thanks" I muttered utterly embarrassed. "You almost done packing? Lunch will be ready in about and hour." "Yeah I have just a few things left and then I'm going to ring up a friend to let her know I'm settled in." "Alright, well let me know if you need anything." "Alright, thank you." "No problem."
I finished unpacking everything and then I called Brianna on Skype.
Berna: You all settled in?
Me: Yup
Cressy: Well show us your room then!!
Me: Is the whole crew there?
Pearl: Well aside from George and Ryan yeah.
Me: I don't even wanna know what they are doing.
I then moved the webcam so they could see my room and I even showed them the balcony and bathroom.
Me: Now let's just see how long this place lasts...
Berna: Babe don't be so negative.
Cressy: Yeah, Love live for the moment because everything else is uncertain.
Me: Really you just had to quote Louis?
Cressy: It's a good quote to live by
Me: I can't argue with that
Someone knocked on the door and came in. It was Ashton "Lunch is ready." "Alright I'll be down in a sec."
Berna: Is that
Cressy: Ashton from
Pearl: 5 Seconds Of Summer?!
Me: 5 Seconds of Who?
Me: Oh... Well I gotta go it's lunch time. LATER LOVLIES!!
I shut off my computer and went downstairs for lunch.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry Lovelies that it took so long to update. I'll try my best to update even more to make up for the long gap, but writers block was killing me. I have a good plot for the next chapter. I hope you liked this one and the attachment is what Lottie's room looks like
~Later Lovelies

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