Chapter One

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Year Six
"Hurry up we're late!" Molly rushed, as thanks to one of Fred and George's pranks, we were late. Five minutes before the train takes off, and we have yet to run into the platform.

"Me first!" George yelled.

"No ME first!" Fred exclaimed, and in a race to get through first, they both ran through at the same time.

"Do you mind if we get cutsies Daph? We'll hurry to grab a cart." Ron asked, 'we' meaning him and Harry, who had finally started staying at the burrow. I had never met our aunt and uncle, but the more I learn about them, the more grateful I am I got left behind.

"Yeah, go ahead. I have more friends than you two anyways, so I'll have backup." I teased, although I grew nervous remembering the first time I was the last one on the train.

I ran through the brick, entering Platform 9 3/4, the smoke burning my nose, but that just means Hogwarts is close. I get on the train with a minute to spare, and I begin to regret my comment about backup, because every compartment is full. All but one.

"Excuse me," I start, trying to keep my composure, but my heart is racing. "It seems every other cart is full, and well, yours is empty."

"Are you really going to pretend we don't know each other?" He smirks at me.

"We don't know each other." I say, and it's true. It's been five years since we've been alone. Of course I've always seen him, he torments my friends. Even worse, he's gotten terribly more handsome every single year. Seriously, whoever destroyed all of the hair gel at the manor deserves a sock.

"Sure, just sit." He says, and then turns his head to look back out the window. I want to comment on how ridiculous he looks, trying to act mysterious, but I'll admit I have less confidence in myself since the first time.

I sit down across from him and just tap my foot, unsure of what to do or say. I really wish my friends had bothered to save me a seat right about now, but ever since Ginny has formed a crush on Harry, I promised to be a good wing woman.

"Would you stop tapping your damn foot Potter? It's annoying as hell." He remarks rudely.

"Well I'm not sure what else to do, we're not talking." I shrug.

"Should we?" He asks, almost nervously.

"Frankly, I don't think I want to." I tell him honestly.

I know it was so long ago, and maybe I am a bit mellow dramatic, but it hurt seeing him year two. He had replaced me with better, shinier, more Slytherin friends. I was tired of rejection, it's all I've ever known. Even right now I'm stuck in this bloody cart drowning in awkwardness because I put Ginny above myself. I put everyone above myself, but not here and not now. 

"Oh get over it Potter, so we sat together once five years ago. Who cares?" He said frustrated. For someone who doesn't care, he sure is spitting through his teeth right now.

"Twice technically." I say curtly.

"You're acting like I owed you anything. I didn't, and I don't now. So if you want to pout in silence, by all means, just stop tapping your damn foot." Yeah, it sounds like he cares, but I won't call him out on it. I'm not opening a door.

"Okay." I say plainly, and then pull out a book. He scoffs like he expected me to push back, and then goes back to looking out the window. The entire train ride is silent until we come to our stop. Hogwarts.

"Potter." Draco starts as I get out of my seat.

"Yes Malfoy?" I ask, no specific tone in my voice, although I'm curious to hear what he has to say.

"I just- never mind. Get out of my sight already." He says frustrated, but I refuse to let his venom hit me. That's why I closed myself off before I even stepped inside his cart, I won't ever let him hurt me again.

I leave Draco alone in the cart and Harry is pushing through from the back of the train to get to me.

"Daphne! Daphne I'm so sorry, I had no idea you were sitting with Draco. I was only just told, I would've done something." Harry rants apologetically while we walk out of the train. "I just assumed you found someone, how was it?"

"It was fine Harry, and I'm fine. He didn't even want to talk to me, no harm except a very awkward train ride I'll never get back." I smile at him as we walk closer to the carriages. "But don't you dare abandon me on this carriage ride."

"I wouldn't dream of it. Thanks for letting Ginny sit with us, since you know..I.." He stalls nervously, and I'm not sure why, everyone knows.

"Since you like her? Harry don't be dense you like each other, do something about it." I speak sense to him, not into him because it never seems to work.

"I'm waiting for the right moment. You'll understand when you like a boy." He teased me as we stepped into a carriage. "Put a pin in it, Hermione and Ron are coming."

"Daphne! I'm so sorry you had to ride with that daft Malfoy, did he say anything? We know I'm not afraid to hit him." She threatens.

"I'm fine Mione, really. I was telling Harry it was no harm, just awkward." I assured her as she stepped into the carriage with Harry and I, followed by Ron.

"He better not have or I'll..I'll kill him." Ron said, attempting to sound tough, but the tremble in his voice implies his bluff.

"Sure you will Ronnie, let's go with that." I roll my eyes as we start moving. "Hey why isn't Ginny sitting with us? We have more room for her." I ask turning back to see her sitting in a carriage next to Dean Thomas.

"Maybe because Harry is horrible at talking to girls, seriously you should be grateful you didn't have to watch it." Hermione cringed.

"He suggested she go for him in the first place, bloody idiot he is. She was making eyes at him the whole ride, and when she suggested wanting to go into Hogsmead, he said Dean would be a brilliant companion." Ron says.

"Are you joking? And you were trying to come at me?" I laughed, just baffled.

"Oh hey look Hogwarts! Let's focus on that everyone." Harry said to divert us, and everyone laughed as we reached our home for the school year.


We settled into our dorms after the welcome dinner. The arrangements were the same every year, Hermione, Ginny, and myself. Only this year, we pitched in a little extra for a suite. It was Ginny's idea, she said this was the first year she had boys on her mind, and that may eventually entail privacy. Seeing as she was talking about my twin brother, I pretend it was just precaution.

"Merlin this is incredible! I can't believe we didn't do this sooner!" Ginny squealed, just as grateful for her own room as the rest of us.

"Yes I'll admit, it will be nice not to be kept up at night by Hermione's impulsive studying." I smirked at her.

"Okay, and it will be nice not to be distracted by Daphne's intense snoring." Hermione countered, throwing a couch pillow at me as we laughed until we were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Jeez my trunk is barely even open, would they give us some time." She rolled her eyes knowing it was the boys.

"Goodness this is incredible." Ron gasped as Ginny opened up the door for them. Of course, making awkward eye contact with Harry as he walked in. "Why didn't we do this again?" He asked looking back at Harry.

"I have no clue, but I hope it's not too late." Harry said examining our living room and kitchen.

"We have our own rooms too, want to see?"Ginny asked looking over at Harry.

"Oh no worries, maybe next time." He smiled like an oblivious oaf, I don't understand how someone could possibly be so dense.

"Well, anyways. Classes start tomorrow so leave us alone to unpack. Goodbye and thank you." I said, as I slowly herded them out the door. I can already tell, this year will be special.

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