Chapter Five

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I woke up the next morning with a killer headache, thank Merlin for weekends. I don't think I could have forced myself to class if I tried. I especially couldn't force myself to sit next to Malfoy.

After the incident in the staircase, Oliver tried to get me to go back to the Gryffindor rooms with him. The mood was kind of killed though, when we started kissing again I kept picturing Malfoy kissing that girl. So I politely declined, and being the boy he is, it was no issue.

Except it was an issue. Now not only was Draco Malfoy invading my life, but he was invading my thoughts. He was invading my sex life without even trying, and it was ruining everything.

I threw myself together before going out into our small kitchen and brewing a pot, I knew I wouldn't be the only one needing it. As I poured the coffee into my mug Ginny's door opened, but she wasn't the one who came out.

"Oh my god. Ew!" I shouted setting my mug down after sighting my twin brother wearing nothing but a towel on his waist.

"Daphne?!" He shouted confused.

"Daphne what are you doing here?" Ginny called running into the living room wearing a robe.

"Uhm I live here. Has everyone forgotten that but me?" I gaped.

"I'm sorry, this is weird isn't it?" She asked. You think? "I thought you were spending the night with Oliver, I saw you go up the staircase together almost immediately."

"You're hooking up with Oliver again?" Harry asked turning to me frustrated.

"Oh don't you even try it right now Harry, and for crying out loud go put your clothes on!" I shouted cringing, and he rolled his eyes before going back into the room to get dressed.

"You're not mad are you Daphne?" Ginny asked, looking concerned.

"Of course I'm not mad Gin, you know I'm routing for this. I'm just shocked and slightly repulsed thinking about my brother getting lucky." I closed my eyes to block out the memory.

"Well he feels the same way about you. You're siblings, duh it's weird." Ginny laughed as Harry came back out clothed in his Quidditch jumper.

"I'll deal with you about Wood later, but I have a practice to get to." Harry said.

"You literally won't be dealing with anything, I can snog who I want." I countered.

"So can I." He spoke matter of factly before leaning down to kiss Ginny goodbye.

"Okay gross! Way to ease me into it, just get going you oaf!" I said pushing him out the door and turning back towards Ginny. "Okay, tell me everything."


After nursing my hang over and discussing the night with Ginny, I packed a bag and went to my spot in the library to study. A quiet place to think sounded nice right now, especially since the boys had invaded our suite.

I took notes with my quill as I read my textbook, and suddenly I felt someone sit down at my table. Mostly because he threw his things down on it dramatically.

"Most people ask if they can sit down you know." I said looking up at him.

"What are you trying to pull Potter?" He seethed at me.

"I'm trying to study." I implied motioning to my textbooks.

"Last night." He spoke clearly.

"I think the real question is what are you trying to pull? You lied to me about the party. Besides, you were with a girl too, the only difference is I didn't cockblock you." I complained annoyed.

"Oh please, I saved you. Sleeping with Wood is slumming it." He rolled his eyes.

"Well I've been slumming it for the past year, so you're a bit late." I smiled sarcastically, and my words seemed to shock him.

"So what you have a boyfriend then?" He asked in a tone I couldn't quite translate.

"He's not my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes. "Just my go to. You know, when I need release."

"Well I suggest you find a new one." He squirmed in his chair

"Who? You?" I scoffed in amusement at the idea.

"Don't be disgusting Potter, I'd never stoop so low with someone like you." He said coldly, and I began to feel it again.

The same pang in my chest I felt when I saw him with that girl. When he called me a slut in front of Oliver. Worst of all, when I saw him on the train second year.

"Well then, Oliver it is." I said as I began to pack my stuff. I was tired of him always taking my spot.

"What does that mean?" He stopped me. "That you would? If I wanted to." I put my bag on my shoulder and looked him dead in the eye.

"I will never have sex with you, Draco Malfoy." And I left.

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