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| The Sun-kissed |


PAST NAME(S)- Cottonkit, Cottonpaw

CURRENT NAME- Cottontuft


PREFIX MEANING- Cotton, for his mostly white coat

SUFFIX MEANING- -tuft, for his thick, fluffy fur and tufted ears

GENDER, AGE- male, 65 moons

CLAN- Mistclan 

RANK- Warrior

PAST RANK(S)- kit, apprentice


VOICE- tbd

FUR COLOUR(S)- white and gray

FUR DESC- thick and fluffy

EYE COLOUR(S)- blue with sectoral heterochromia (amber)

BUILD- tall and elegant

SCARRING- many scattered around his body, the most notable being a bite on his lower back

WOUNDS- none

BASIC DESC.- a tall, elegant, fluffy white tom-cat with grey ears


NEG. TRAITS- obsessive, sensitive, manipulative, cocky

POS. TRAITS- free-spirited, flirty, confident, loyal, protective

OVERALL- Most cats see Cottontuft as a free-spirited tom, who doesn't care about societal norms or others opinions. He's a confident fellow, always holding his head high. Part of that comes from the fact he's Sun-kissed, but it's also just how he naturally is. He's loyal and protective to his clan and family, and would never let anyone hurt them. He's also seen flirting with pretty much everyone within the clan, from toms to pretty she-cats.

But, what most of his clan doesn't see, is his more sensitive side. Cotton is secretly terrified that the clan will grow to despise him, and he takes every rude comment to heart. He's also rather obsessive over those he loves, and tends to not let them out of his sight. Which is why he's never gotten past the sweet step with anyone. He knows how to manipulate others to do his bidding, or just for fun



AGILITY- 90/100

STEALTH- 80/100

FIGHTING- 95/100

HUNTING- 70/100


SPEED- 80/100

STRENGTH - 86/100

STAMINA- 61/100


CLIMBING- 82/100

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