Attack from the Deep

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"Whooey!" exclaimed Joey as he looks at his dueling glove and grinning from ear to ear, feeling proud. "Heh heh. 2 stars. (Giggles) This is so awesome. I can't believe it happened. Am I cool or what?"

"Is there a time limit on how long he gets to crow?" asked Tea.

"If there isn't one, then there needs to be one." said Paige, crossing her arms. "Especially for him because I can't take it anymore."

"Cut him some slack, girls." said Tristan. "Did you ever think Joey would actually beat Mai in a duel? I mean, Joey...who would've thought?"

They looked at him as he polishes the stars on the glove. "I knew he'd do it. I'm really proud of you, Joey." said Yugi.


Suddenly Joey's stomach started grumbling. "Uhh, all that duelin' made me hungry." said Joey, grabbing his stomach. "Did any of you guys remember to bring any food with you?"

"Unless you wanted something that is perishable..." Paige started to say.

"Sorry, Joe." they all said.

"Awww." groaned Joey. "What were we thinking coming here with no food? how are we ever gonna get through the rest of the competition without anything to eat?"

"That's a good question, Joey." said Yugi. "This dueling really takes it out of you, and I haven't seen any burger stands or restaurants since we got here."

"Well we better do something fast." said Tea. "I've gotta have my 5 basic food groups, or else it's metabolic meltdown!"

"She's right. I need something in my stomach right now before I pass out." said Paige, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Hey, chill out, you guys. I got it covered." Tristan said.

"Yeah?" they asked, and Tristan holds out a book.

"Check it out...the Great Outdoor Survival Guide."



"Can we eat it?" asked Joey.

"Better than that, it lists all the plants, roots, berries, and grasses we can eat." he tells them as he flips through the book.

"Ewww!" shouted the others in disgust.

"I'm all for berries, but not roots, plants and grasses." said Paige.

"Do I look like a squirrel, you big doofus?" asked Joey, then starts sniffing the air. "I don't need your dumb book anyhow. I smell something cooking that-a-way. See ya!"

Joey had taken off towards the water. "He's hallucinating." said Tea.

"Don't be so sure. You know, it wasn't his brain that beat Mai. It was his nose." said Tristan.

"Good point." said Paige. Not far from the edge of the cliff, three fishes were on sticks and cooking by the fire.

"Mmm. Oh man! I just love barbecued fish." said Joey.

"Smells good." Tristan added.

"Yeah, and I bet it tastes even better." said Joey, laughing as he climbs over the rock and towards the fish.

"Hey!" shouted Paige.

"What makes you think those fish are yours to eat?" asked Tea.

"Hey, trust me." said Joey, facing her. "We eat first and ask questions later. Your stomach'll thank me."

"Joey!" Tea called after him. "Oh, he'd say anything to fill his belly."

"Some people have absolutely no self-control." said Tristan.

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