Dungeon dice monsters, Part III

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"I can't believe Yugi Muto agreed to give up duel monsters forever if he loses at this new game!" said Boy #1.

"I know, especially since dungeon dice monsters is a game his opponent invented." said Boy #2. "I hope Paige doesn't go on that that with her brother's opponent."

"You'll regret Duke Devlin's bet." chanted Duke's cheerleaders. "Joey lost, now he's Duke's pet. The dumbest dog you've ever met."

"Am not!" shouted Joey.

"Uh-oh! It's a rabid dog!" said Cheerleader #1.

"Guess we'll have to get him a muzzle." they said, glaring at Joey.

"Huh? No, no, no." Joey pleaded, trying to appease Duke's cheerleaders. "That wont be necessary, girls. Why don't you all just go back to cheerin' for your little Dukey over there? Here, I'll even stat you off. Uh, Duke, Duke, he's so great, make no mistake, better than cake....."

"Man, I can't wait till Yugi wins this and gets Joey out of that stupid dog suit Duke Devlin's making him wear." said Tristan. "That guy's a real jerk."

"Yeah, Duke's all about humiliating his opponents, especially Yugi." said Tea as Duke watches and listens to the three. "Why else would he wanna beat him in a game broadcast around the world?"

"He's sure on a vendetta." said Tristan.

"Its not fair." Tea tells Tristan and Paige. "He blames Yugi for everything. His game not taking off, losing Pegasus as his business partner. It's just wrong."

"That's what I've been saying, you guys." said Paige. "You can't blame someone for another person not contacting you right away after hosting a huge dueling tournament. I know that I wouldn't."

"Yuge! Come on, buddy!" Joey cried out. "You just gotta win this match so you can get me out of this flea bag costume and Paige wont have to go on a date with Devlin before I completely lose it."

"Down, boy!" shouted Duke's cheerleaders, knocking him down to keep him from whining any further. "Bad.....Dog! Bad!"

"I'm....not...a dog!" Joey tells them, only for Duke's cheerleaders to tease him. "I wish I could just play dead."

"B-A-D! D-O-G!" chanted the cheerleaders.

"Man, those cheerleaders sure know how to yank Joey's chain." said Tristan.

"At least its too early for me to do it." said Paige.

"Yeah. Well, at least they havent reduce him to howling yet." commented Tea when suddenly Joey finally starts howling. "I'm not housebreaking him."

"Don't worry, Tea...." groaned Paige, hanging her head. "I'll housebreak Joey."

"Duke's monsters have already taken out one of my 3 heart points, and unless I do something right here, they'll take out another." said Yugi. Yami knew that Yugi was right as he turns to get three more dice. "I have to make this turn count. But I think I just found what I needed to know."

"Go, dice roll!" shouted Yami, rolling his die.

"Come on!" Yugi said, pleading with the dice. "I need to get some magic crests here. Otherwise I might not be able to get Joey his freedom back and Paige would have to go on a date with Devlin."

As one dice stops rolling, it shows what the both of them needed. "There's one!" said Yugi as another dice stops. "There's another." The third dice comes to a stop. "2 out of 3! Great!"

"It appears that I've rolled 2 magic crests, Duke." said Yami. "But since both have times two multiplier emblems, each of their values are doubled, giving me four magic crests, more than enough to activate Thunder Ball's special ability."

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