Keith's Machinations, Part II

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"Man, this has gotta be the closet match I've ever seen." said Tristan.

"Me, too! The closest one I've seen was when Paige almost beat Grandpa." said Yugi.

"Really?" their friends asked.

"How was I supposed to know he was going to pull that trap card?" Paige asked her brother who was pretending to whistle. "I know I didn't."

"With just 50 life points separating their scores, it's anyone's game." said Yugi, ignoring Paige's glare.

"Don't let up now, Joey!" said Tea, rooting for him. "It all comes down to these next few turns."

"Come on, Joey!" shouted Paige.

"Your sister's countin' on ya! Make her proud!" said Tristan as Joey smiles up at his friends.

"No prob." Joey replied, giving them a thumbs up as Bandit Keith scoffs.

"This duel has turned into quite the nail biter." thought Pegasus. "Joey, a virtual unknown, going card for card going with the intercontinental champion? I wonder what it is that fuels these splendid performances? Perhaps my millennium eye will show me the answer."

Pegasus looks over at Bandit Keith, using the power of the millennium eye and sees the duel he participated in. "Ah, yes, of course." thought Pegasus, remembering that duel. "Keith has been wading in a pool of misery ever since that defeat I handed him. Now he's seeking his revenge."

He then looks over at Joey. "As for Joey...." said Pegasus, using his power to look into Joey's memories to see Yugi and the others making a friendship pact.

"These markings are a symbol of our friendship." said Tea. "And how we'll always be there for one another."

"And a sister?" Pegasus asked himself as he sees Serenity, laughing on the tape she sent Joey. "My, my. So while one is driven by bitter vengeance, the other is motivated by love and trust. Why it's practically a battle of good vs. evil! Heh heh heh heh. How amusing."

"Heh heh heh heh. Come on! Let's get on with this match, ya dweeb!" said Bandit Keith, glaring Joey down. "I got plenty more machine monsters all revved up and ready to totally steam roll your life points. Heh heh heh. Yeah, you aint nothin' but a speed bump on my way to duel Pegasus, and that goes double for that dweeby friend of yours, Yugi."

"Hey! My brother is not dweeby!" screamed Paige from the wings.

"Paige, calm down!" said Yugi.

"Don't pop a vessel." said Tristan.

"Yeah, right, Keith." said Joey.

"What'd you say?" Keith asked.

"I got news for you, pal." said Joey. "Even if you beat me, which you won't, Yugi'd cream ya, and you know why, hotshot? 'Cause you're a selfish sleazeball who's only in this tournament for your own greedy reasons."

"Say what?!" growled Bandit Keith.

"People like you never win. Sure, your tricks may get you a little ways," said Joey, with a new card in hand. "but only until people with good intentions show up like me and like Yugi, too."

"Oh yeah? We'll just see about that." he said, bringing another card to the field. "One card facedown, and I'll attack with this! My Barrel Dragon is gonna blast you and your good intentions to dust."

Barrel Dragon (ATT:2,600/ DEF:2,200) appeared on the field as Yugi and Paige growled from the wings.

"See, with its triple attack laser discharge system, it has three attacks, not just one." said Bandit Keith. "I can clear all your monsters from the field in one turn."

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