Yugi vs Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part I

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"This is it. Just me and the deck Grandpa gave me against Pegasus." thought Yugi, going through his deck. "Pegasus may have captured his soul, but his heart has always been right here with me and Paige in these cards. Trust me, Gramps. I won't let you and Paige down. You taught me and Paige everything we know about Duel Monsters...about the rules, strategy, and about stuff you can't learn in books."


"If you only remember one thing, Yugi, Paige, remember this...." Grandpa said to the siblings. "you must never lose faith in yourself."

"What do you mean, Grandpa?" asked Paige. "What happens if you lose faith yourself?"

"Well Paige, if you don't believe you can win, then you'll suffer defeat, not only in duel monster, but in life." Grandpa explained.

"Mmm." said Yugi, nodding at their grandfather's words.

"Believe me, that advice is more valuable than any card you'll ever own." said Grandpa, then smiled at his grandchildren. "I should know. I've collected the best cards in the game."

"Grandpa!" said Paige, smiling at the man.

[Flashback ends]

"And you gave them all to me. I'll use them all to win." thought Yugi. "I'll rescue you from Pegasus!"

Putting his deck away, Yugi turns to face the doors and as soon as they opened, he sees his friends and his sister. "Huh?"

"Surprise!" said Tea and Paige.

"Guys, what are you doing...." Yugi started to asked.

"Hey, Yuge, we all wanted to wish you well." said Tristan.

"And give you a good luck hug." said Paige, hugging her brother.

"You're the best." said Yugi, returning the hug.

"Looks like you finally made it." said Joey. "You're goin' all the way, buddy."

"And once it's all over, we'll get your grandpa home." said Tea.

"Mmm. Thank you, Tea. That means a lot." said Yugi.

"The time has come." said Croquet. "Would Yugi Muto the challenger please enter the duel ring? Mr. Pegasus awaits you."

"Go get him, Yuge." said Joey.

"One more for the road?" asked Paige.

"You know it." said Yugi, hugging her again.


Paige then looks up to see Yami. "Thanks for the hug." he tells her.

"You're welcome." she said, smiling at him.

"Let's end this, Pegasus!" said Yugi as Yami stares Croquet down.

"He looks so determined." said Tea.

"Yugi, take him down!" shouted Tristan.

"We know you can!" cried Tea.

"Do it for Grandpa!" cried Paige.

"Put that slime bucket in his place once and for all!" shouted Joey.

"The challenger has entered the stadium." Croquet said to the others in the wings. "And now, for your dueling pleasure, Castle Pegasus is proud to present the creator of duel monsters and all its wonderous cards..."

"And thief of my grandfather's soul." said Yugi.

"The undefeated, undisputed ruler of duelist kingdom, Maximillion Pegasus." Croquet announced as Pegasus chuckles.

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