𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2: 𝑀𝓊𝓈𝒾𝒸 𝒯𝑜 𝑀𝓎 𝐸𝒶𝓇𝓈

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             Pulling into the lot over the crackling stone drive and through towering sparse trees, the considerable white club comes into view. There are expansive lush grounds on which a tennis court, golf course, garden and several other buildings, pavilions and gazebos home. Much of which is hidden beyond the main building. Winnie spots her brother waiting at the tall white entrance doors watching the car pull into the valet. Barely waiting a moment, Charlie sprints toward his little sister just as the passenger side door is opening. He nearly knocks the wind out of her as he plows her down and lifts her small, soft body into his long arms.

"You just saw me two days ago, you big lug." Winnie's little giggles fill Charlie's ear with her pure joyous sound. He sets her back on the ground lowering her to her short height of five foot two. Standing right below his shoulders he stares down at her.

"Exactly, living across town means less time to annoy you." Teasing with his thick alto voice, long bony fingers push through his fluffy light brown locks.

"I miss you too." Winnie avows.

Tall with a clean-cut, peppered dark head of hair, a man approaches Anna as she rounds the car, her white dress swishing around her pale legs. The mans scarred, worn hands trail down Anna's sides as he pulls her into a slow, tender kiss.

"Ew!" Charlie groans.

"Cut it out, Charlie. I think it's sweet." Winnie coos and nudges her brother with her shoulder, staring at her parents with wide adoring eyes.

Parting from Anna, her father turns to Winnie with red lipstick smudged onto his black mustache. "And there is my best girl!" William exclaims as he swoops her up in his big arms, swallowing her up in his embrace.

"Daddy!" Winnie exclaims, her arms twining around his thick neck and taking in the scent of his spicy musk. "How were the meetings today?" Stepping out of the warm embrace a moment later, Winnie digs into her purse to retrieve a baby blue handkerchief and wipes the lipstick away.

"Thank you, Darling, but you know I can't talk business. Golfing was nice on the other hand. How was your afternoon with your mother?"

"It was wonderful. We went shopping at this new boutique in town and had tea on the lake with Lucielle and Mrs. Harmon. We gossiped for a while and then Luce and I went for Ice cream." She explains, her green eyes gleaming at her father.

"Isn't it a bit cold out for ice cream, my dear? It is November." William's brows furrow, though, not the least bit surprised at his daughter's sweet tooth. No matter the occasion.

"It's never too cold for ice cream."

"Don't leave out the good parts, Winifred. Tell your father who you saw today." Her honeyed voice hums from beside Winnie.

"Momma, it was nothing." She plays with the end of her hair, twirling it around her fingertips while her stomach flips at the memory.

"Who did you see today, peach?" He sweetens his voice, recognizing her nerves for the subject. He encases one of her tiny hands into his warm palm, drawing her away from her fidgeting.

"It was just someone's kid. You used to be friends with their parents." She neglects the fact that it was a boy the best she can. Her father doesn't like the idea of her dating until she is thirty. She, on the other hand, has plans of her own.

"Winifred met a boy. That's what she is avoiding telling you, honey."


"What boy? Should I be concerned?" His usually warm and comforting tone stiffens. "You're not allowed to date until you are thirty. You know the rules." He only partly means it though. It started as a joke with Anna from the moment that Winnifred was born and the doctors announced her sex. William has been a mess over the idea of some boy waltzing in and not doing right by her. She deserves only the best and he will do anything to ensure that. He would never actually hold her back from dating, but he also doesn't make it easy for the suitors either. Afterall, Winnie is his little girl. No mater how old she gets.

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