Chapter 16

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Another uneventful day went by. Word of the royal wedding had gone around, but nothing particularly special had happened. The ninja had decided to take the night off of patrols, although not before they made sure the palace's security systems were working.

It was late into the night when Garmadon still couldn't sleep. Thoughts about his son and what Kai had said about him had kept him tossing and turning all night. It was all he'd been thinking about the past few days.

He's not okay, Dad, Kai's wavering voice echoed in his head. Remembering Lloyd's unexplained panic and fear from earlier that day, Garmadon began to realize Kai was right. Maybe his son's mind wasn't in the right place. Maybe... Maybe he did need to be taken care of.

Garmadon sat up in bed. He would make sure Lloyd was okay right now. Careful not to wake up Misako, the sensei sneaked off the bed. He slipped on his robe and slippers before tiptoeing out of the room.

He started toward Lloyd's bedroom. He remembered Kai telling him about the green ninja's nightmares and sleeping problems and he wondered if his son would even be asleep. Stopping at Lloyd's door, he reached for the doorknob. But before he opened it, he heard something from inside. It almost sounded like...

Crying! Garmadon realized in horror. Hurriedly, he opened the door and stepped inside.

He made out his son sitting up in bed, but in the gloom, couldn't make out much else. But the muffled sobbing could still be heard and Garmadon walked deeper into the room. "Lloyd?" he began in a murmur.

Lloyd's head shot up. Garmadon spotted the glint of tears on his cheeks. "D-Dad!" the green ninja exclaimed in alarm. He looked away, wiping tears from his eyes. "What—what are you doing up?"

Although his son was clearly trying to hide his emotions, Garmadon could see how upset he was, and it shocked him deeply. "I—I just wanted to check in on you," he stuttered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, well... I-I'm fine." Lloyd cleared his throat, sniffling.

Garmadon gently grabbed the ninja's hand as he went to wipe another tear. "Son..."

"Seriously, Dad, y-you can leave me alone now I'm really okay and—"

"No," Garmadon interrupted firmly. He held his son's hand tighter, bringing it back down to the bed. "No more pushing away. You're not okay. You're crying. And I want to know why."

Lloyd stared at him, a wary if not suspicious glint in his eyes. Shakily, he slipped his hand out of his father's grasp. "It—it was just a stupid nightmare, that's all," he muttered, turning his gaze away.

A frown crossed Garmadon's face. "You've been having a lot of those lately, haven't you?" he wondered.

"Kai told you?"

"It doesn't matter who told me." Slowly, Garmadon touched an uncertain hand to the ninja's cheek, not knowing how his son would react to the touch. "What was it about?"

Lloyd stayed still as stone, his eyes watching his father's hands but the rest of his body freezing. "You're—you're not mad at me?" he croaked out.

Garmadon met his eye. "No," he breathed. "I've been too angry with you lately. But someone told me I should be listening to you more. And they're right. I should be."

Sniffling again, Lloyd moved a hand to rub his eye. "W-was it Mom?" he asked.

Garmadon gave a soft laugh. "It was," he confirmed. He moved his thumb under his son's eye and wiped a tear away. "You're my son. I know you, and yet, it's like I forgot I know you. I should've been gentler with you." He paused a second. "I want to start over. I want to fix this. Fix us. But that's only gonna happen if we work together. If we stop pushing each other away and communicate honestly."

Flames of the Past #2: Beginning of Chaos (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now