Untitled Part 55.

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A few months later.

Sebastian and Ian were in the room with Layla as she gave birth to their babies.

They drove her and took care of everything before hand.

It was still daylight out.


Salem and Janson were in their room cleaning.

Salem was making the bed with some new bedsheet he got them.


Luna was making dinner.

He was chopping some veggies and about to make dumplings.

He had pork ones and beef ones.

He also was making something to dip them in.

He mixed soy sauce, a little duck sauce, fish sauce and a little chilli pepper.

The dumplings were steaming, someone got him a dumpling steamer as wedding gift and got Jules a very fancy medicine first aid kit this person really said "He's a cook and he's a nurse lets get them gifts connected to that.' granted someone also once got Luna a rice cooker for a high school graduation gift so.

Everyone ate dinner and then about a hour later everyone got a text from Sebastian and Ian.

"We would like to welcome to the world  Harlow and Roxanna Ngo Maina "

They didn't care what gender their kids were.

"Harlow Nicoletta Ngo Maina and Roxanna Harmony Ngo Mania "

Why Harmony because that the name of one of Ian's dads.

Harmon real name is Harmony everyone just calls him Harmon because why not.

One of the replies was from Salem saying "Those are great names I'm happy for you,"

He got one from Jolyn that said "Good luck trying to get sleep but on a serious note I'm happy for you."

He got one from Shevon that said "Thank god I decided to not have kids but I'm so happy for you two."

Then Ian got a text from both of his dads that "We're happy for you."

Then he texted them the babies full names and Harmon saw that Roxanna's middle name is Harmony and that made him cry a little.

"We couldn't think of the perfect middle name and I suggested Harmony because it's a great name and it's also the name of one of the best people I know"- Ian.

"Thank you. "-Harmon.

Ian looks up to his fathers.

Anyway .

Sebastian got text from his siblings.

One jokingly asked if he was going to tell their parents.

"I have their new number block and they would freak out knowing that their grandchildren were black so as much as I would love to anger them I'm not going to do that because Ian said it was petty and despite how much he rightfully hates them he said it we're parents now so we can't be parents we can wait to until we old men to be petty."

They got more text from other people.

Two months pass and Sebastian has something important he wanted to talk to Ian about it.

"I don't want to do theater anymore." Said Sebastian.

"But theater is your passion. "Said Ian.

"Not anymore I hate it now, all the tryouts, the failure the hoping and waiting also I lose the passion for it and rather do something else. "Said Sebastian.

"That's okay but don't rush into anything okay, we just became parents. "Said Ian.

"I know. "Said Sebastian.

"I'm here for you. "Said Ian.

"Thank you. "Said Sebastian.

Sebastian thought of the perfect job and it tattooing.

He's good at drawing, he can stand the site of blood it would be perfect only problem is he's left handed and trying to sketch stuff just ends up causing a mess on his hand(it's true.).

So he thought of other stuff.

Right now he was feeding Roxanna while watching tv.

He thought all of the stuff he's good at.

Makeup, singing, drawing, hair dying, acting, baking and driving.

He's a awesome driver but he would never want to do a job involving that so what should h do.

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