Untitled Part 92.

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Later on Sebastian and his kids left.

When Dallas he had a garment bag with him in it was Hanbok.

Dallas doesn't like boring suits and his Korean culture is important to him.

Dallas doesn't work a fancy job, he's a office work at a place where he can have dyed hair.

The wedding colors are going to be Orange and Peach.

Dallas' favorite color peach.

When some of Dallas' friends and some of Kiki's other friends found out about the relationship it was a lot "I thought you were gay/lesbian" "Traitor." "You sure this isn't just you trying to fit in with your friends who have wives/husbands."

One of Kiki's friends the one she use to have a crush on straight up stopping friends with her because she thought Kiki was pretending that she even was attractive to girls.

But Kiki's other friends who weren't in her friend group were happy for her.

One of her friends even asked if Dallas had any single older sibling.

One of her female friends saw a photo of one of Dallas' sisters and asked if she was single and once she found out that yes Darlene is single, her respond was "I hope she likes women."

Dallas has four sisters and two brothers, he's the youngest.

Kiki mainly hang around boys but some of them will wears makeup.

Kiki likes shopping but doesn't love it.

The next day.

A lot of engagement party planning and picking out wedding party members.

Kiki's Person Honor was Salem since he's her best friend.

Her wedding party members are Salem, Sebastian, Luna and Janson since she's closers to them then her other friends she was going to add Ian since she's close to him but decided not to and he was okay with it.

Dallas's best person was his best friend Valene, he's known him his whole life, they bonded over frogs and video games, Valene is nonbinary but never changed his pronouns.

His wedding party was four of his friends a mix of genders.

Looking for wedding outfits.

"Usually we don't have grooms come here ." Said a person working there when they saw Janson.

"My fiancé isn't here he already has his hanbok." Said Kiki.

Kiki had her wedding party, her parents and some of her siblings there.

"We usually don't have brides who's wedding parties are guys. "

Also they didn't get many brides who wanted a dress that wasn't white.

"Light orange, sleeveless and short."

The dress she choose looked great.

When they were trying on wedding outfits.

Kiki had them all in dark orange  and white.

All of them but Luna will wear a suit.

So their outfits match color wise.

"Luna I have a question. "Said Kiki.

"Sure. "Said Luna.

"Why don't you wear suits. "Said Kiki.

"I never liked them, my mom use to tell stories of how they would try to put me in suits and I would looks insulted and ever since then I have never wore one. "Said Luna.

Luna has had to deal with people who assumes he's trans but then get shocked when he's not.

Oh they pull the so you realized you're not trans and his respond was "I was never trans to begin with I have always been a cis man, don't be transphobic you jerk. "

So everyone was trying on outfits.

It was the first time they had a bride who's party was all men and the first time one of the men was trying on dresses.

Everything was going well.

Everyone looked nice.

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